What is Peacock-A-Palooza you ask???
This year I'm hosting 5 professional development days at my school for the elementary art teachers of our district. In MNPS, we are allotted 5 professional days a year, but there weren't a lot of local opportunities for elementary art teachers. Soooooooo....my friend Janet & I presented a plan to our director for 5 workshops dealing with different media & assessment. She gave us the go-ahead...and here we are at workshop # 4. This workshop deals with mixed-media. As Janet & I were planning...we came up with a couple peacock themed lessons, and for some reason or another it made us chuckle. Well if two peacock lessons make us chuckle...what would an entire day of peacock lessons do?!?!?! This lead to us creating PEACOCK-A-PALOOZA!!! We think we're hysterical..I'll get back to you about what the other art teachers think. HA HA!!! The workshop is today...Feb 6th. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow so you can see the results!!!
I wish often that I was closer.....but this specifically as I have a Godson who LOVES Peacocks now! Always looking for things for him either that I have done or that he has, he's a bit of an art nerd too.