My all school art show(K-4th) is next Thursday!! So much work to do.....but I am so excited to showcase our amazing artists here at Tulip Grove!! This year I am also trying to raise funds for Malaria No More! I thought it was a great tie in with our bug theme...and would get students thinking outside of our comfortable school setting! Stay tuned for pictures from the art show this time next week!
February 28, 2014
February 27, 2014
Self Portraits: Kindergarten
Forgive the shadows on the images...but look at these kindergarten self portraits!!! I'm so impressed by these little guys. I didn't even break out the crayons because they were so involved in drawing the details!!
February 26, 2014
Officially Going To NAEA San Diego!!!
I am going to have a session again at NAEA National Convention (Blogs People Want To Read), but it wasn't a sure thing I was going to be able to go. The application process for speaking at the convention was before we were pregnant with our 3rd. Though the timing was once again EXACTLY what we were praying for(April or May) never know for sure. So, when I found out we were expecting...and found out my session proposal had been accepted....I didn't know if I'd be able to go. Financially, going to conference can be a challenge...for many! With my wife working part time at our church....we don't have a lot of "extra" $$ laying around. I missed out on the grant opportunity this year....and what was the likelihood someone would gift me with another hotel stay?!?!?!?!?! Plus, what if my wife had a challenging pregnancy(the other two were fine...but...ya never know!)
Well, it was suggested to me that I try GO FUND ME. After raising funds for an iPad this year...I wasn't sure if there was enough $ out there for something else for Mr. E. Would people be tired of giving???
I decided to try was an up & down process. I'd see money come in...then nothing...then money come in...then nothing. Finally...all the finances I set out to raise came in(even though..because of the timing..the flight cause more than when I started). HOW EXCITING!! But wait?!?!?!?! My wife did not pass her glucose test. She would have to do the 4 hr test to see for sure if she had gestational diabetes or not. If she did...I would not be able to go. SHE PASSED!!! I COULD GO!!!
So last night I finally booked my flight. So exciting. OH OH...and I forgot to tell you another blessing... a professor friend of mine is letting me stay with him!! So my room is covered!!!!
I plan to bring peanut butter and I'm set!!!! ha ha
I must be meant to be there...or things would not have come together AGAIN!!!! So looking forward to meeting so many of you....and getting to attend so many amazing sessions that will SPARK my teaching!!
February 25, 2014
Texture Necklaces: Kindergarten
Oh how the kiddos love this project. A former student(now in high school) told me he still has his!! I use yogurt lids for the students to use to keep the shape better. I love my old metal cabenit I store clay in..I just write with crayon on the shelf....then use a Magic Eraser to get it off when I am done.
February 21, 2014
February 20, 2014
Something Fun for the Baby!
So we are about two months from Caroline Joy
going from an inny baby to an outty baby!!!
I found this little onesy at Dollar General...had to get it!!!! Thought it was pretty perfect.
ha ha If you are a prayin' person...please send one out for my wife today! She did not pass her first glucose test...and is now doing the 4 hour one!!! Not fun for ANYONE...and when your pregnant..I can imagine it is pretty horrible! She's not had an issue with the first the idea of gestational diabetes is a bit scary. We already have LARGE babies naturally....if she has gestational diabetes....
we may have to take the baby even earlier!
February 19, 2014
Watercolor Flowers: 1st Grade
I was excited to paint with my 1st graders again...they had so much fun the last time we did watercolor!! Over all the lesson went ok....but I'm thinking I may cut the paper down to 9 x 9...and maybe this will allow the students to really focus on painting each petal individually. I love having them trace with crayon...the wax resist creates such a lovely effect.
February 17, 2014
PD Day At TGE!
I am not a fan of school based PD days...usually have little to do with what & how I
teach. We started the day with a photo booth. This is our speciall area team...
good people....AMAZING EDUCATORS!
Love being with dedicated teachers like this group.
It was actually a pretty good day!!! We were able to pick what "classes" we went to, and the information was good.
February 14, 2014
Very Mixed Media Bugs: 4th Grade
Tempera Paint, Collage, Sharpie, Watercolor Pencil, Glitter Glue
DAY1: Tempera Paint Background - We discussed color: primary, secondary, analogous, tints.
Students selected 2 colors they wished to use & created an over all patter in tempera paint.
DAY2: Collage bugs using pattern paper & outlined in Sharpie.
DAY3: Complete bugs/Sharpie, draw spider web using watercolor pencils, and glitter glue accents in the same color as their paint.
This didn't turn out exactly like how I had pictured it in my mind, but the kids really did enjoy it. I was thinking it would be a bit more sophisticated & less cartoonish. Oh well, they are still bright & attractive..and will look great in the art show!
February 13, 2014
Incised Plate Prints:1st Grade
February 10, 2014
Time is running out!!! I may have to cancel my fundraiser & the trip to NAEA San Diego. I really want to be their to present, but it can't happen without help. If you could help by donating 5, 10...or whatever you feel like would be much you know someone that would want to help a teacher out when their school & district will not. If you do...pass along my info. I'd be happy to chat with them via e-mail if they need to know more.
for your consideration!!!
Art of Education Art Blogs of the Year
Well, I didn't get number 1...and that's ok! Thank you to everyone who voted!! There are so many great blogs out there...and I love being in such great company!!! This is my 3rd year being in the top 5 ..which I think is pretty cool. It's all because of amazing readers, peers, & friends!!!
February 07, 2014
Kindergarten LOVES Texture Plates!!
It was like CHRISTMAS in the art room today!!!! My kindergarten students LOVE LOVE LOVE texture plates!!! They don't just love them..they are using them appropriately in their pictures! We may need to use them a few more times this year now that I know it is a crowd favorite.
Roylco has great texture plates....go check them out!!!
February 06, 2014
VOTE FOR ART WITH MR. E If you haven't voted from all your computers, iPads, smart phones....DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is the last day!! It is only one vote per device. So...bug your neighbors...if you're a teacher, make sure you have voted from your student computers.....ask your tech teacher to have the students vote on the class computers.....stop by the library and vote on their computers!!! I was #2 last year....lets go for #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR ART WITH MR. E
Buggy Mono-Prints: 1st grade
So this week I've been doing mono-printing with my first graders. I decided to use watercolor pencils. It has worked ok, but will probably go a different direction next time around! I've done oil pastels in the past ...both water soluble and regular. I think the regular oil pastels...and then using a spoon to rub it worked the best. Live & learn!!!!
I have a bunch of small water bottles always at the ready!!!
February 05, 2014
There's a Bug in My Fruit: 2nd Grade
My students created these still life drawings from their own imagination. They were asked to include a bug somewhere in the fruit bowl. After coloring with the fruit & bowl with crayons, we used watercolors to create the background. They used one color for the wall, and two colors for the table. I had them place plastic wrap ontop of the table area to add a bit of texture.
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