November 30, 2020
#turkeyaday 2020
November 29, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Not A Day
November 23, 2020
Snow People: Kindergarten
We started the year virtually, and continued through the end of the first nine weeks. I'm not sure how many others school years have gone this way, but it definitely changed things. I feel like I've been starting from scratch the six weeks we've been back. I've not seen the "finishing" that I'm use to from my students. Just now am I seeing the work I'm use to at the start of the school year.
My kindergarten students created snowpeople last week, and I was truly excited to see the progress they've made. Kindergarten is my favorite grade level to teach. They grow by leaps and bounds!!
Check out their super fun pictures!!
November 22, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: WHEN WILL I LEARN?!
Are you acquainted with people that know a lot, but do not seem very wise? Knowledge & Wisdom are quite different. Knowledge is static. Facts are fabulous, but what are their purpose? Wisdom is knowledge with perspective and applications. There are many who know the Word of God, but they do little with that knowledge. There lives do not look as if they have put into practice the words that they have read. The Bible is meant to transform the reader. It is a love letter from God to his children. This "knowledge" is meant to lead one into a life lived for the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit.
That being said, there are many of us who know God, don't always live like we do. We have read the Word, but fail to put it into practice. Maybe we are too busy. Maybe we aren't really paying attention. A distracted life does not display the wisdom of one who walks with God. Whatever the reason, we need to start living a life that not only knows the word...but puts it into practice.
November 18, 2020
Collaborative “Happy Art” Project K-4th
November 15, 2020
Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Be Safe!
November 12, 2020
Mary Ward
Mary Ward taught art in North Carolina, and recently passed from Covid-19. I didn't know her, but I feel like we art teachers are a family, and this story hit hard. Please take care friends. It can be hard to keep on keeping on with safety measures and such...but keep going!!! I know you put your students first, but make sure to take care of you.