March 30, 2022

7th Annual Art With Mr.E Summer Workshop

Jill is a big fan!! 

Are you looking for a fun summer workshop that actually pertains to what you teach?!? Do you want to hang out with other art teachers from different districts/states and share ideas, struggles, and encouragement?Do you want to use creepy doll parts to make even creepier art work? (Wait?  That isn't a strong selling point is it? Forget you read that!! ha ha)  

Years ago I realized that there were so many art teachers that didn't have access to professional development that dealt with what they taught.  Usually that is because so many teach in smaller districts that do not have many art teachers. I have lead PD in my district for years...AND LOVE IT!!  So..Art With Mr. E Summer Workshop was born.  This is not really a money maker for me (I try to keep the cost low because I know so many won't be reimbursed by their district!).  I do it because I really love working with other art teachers & being an encouragement to them and the work they do! 

Over the years...this summer workshop has become an extended family! 
I'd love for you to join this fun art family!! 


March 27, 2022

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: STAND

During my freshman year of college I had a real make it or break it moment.  I was wrestling with an assignment from my 2-D Foundations class.  It seemed like I could not figure out what to do, how to do it, or even why I was doing it. I truly felt like giving up.  It was the only time an art project made me cry.  I even contemplated quitting college and moving back home (Yes, I know that is dramatic!)  I thought that if a project in my very first studio class, my very first semester stressed me out so badly... that there would be no way I'd ever make it through four(+) years of college. Somewhere in the midst of the struggle, I decided that I'd not let this assignment get the best of me.  I pressed onward and completed the project to the best of my ability.  I would love to tell you it was an A+ work, that my professor praised my efforts, and that my fellow students were in awe of its beauty.  However, I can not. Though it wasn't my greatest work of still holds a special place in my heart.  It showed me that I could push through frustration, insecurities, lack of understanding, lack of skill, and exhaustion to complete whatever task I found myself facing.  

Therefore my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not the vain.  
1 Corinthians 15:58

There have been times in most of our lives where we have cried out to God and told Him we're done...we're through...we quit.  Whatever we're facing seems to have gotten the better of us, and we feel that we just can't do it any more.  Work, family, friends, health, or even things going on in the church(An imperfect place with imperfect better believe the struggle is real in the church as well!).  God wants to hear from His children!  Even when we are crying out in frustration He wants to hear our heart!  We don't need to hold back.  God wants to us to come to him with it all. However, he doesn't want our two weeks notice.  He wants us to press on.  He knows the ending, and He knows it is for our good & His glory that we continue through the pain, through the frustration, and see it through till the end.  We must stand firm & let nothing get in the way of God's plan & direction for our lives.  We must remember that nothing we do for the Lord will be in vain, but will reveal to us & those around us the goodness of God & His glory.  

March 24, 2022

Spring Kinder Paintings

Don't come at me about "PRIMARY" colors! I know that is debated in the online art education groups. I am not one that preaches red/yellow/blue.  It is, however, what I have on hand to use.  I'm using lids for the paint, 12x18 construction paper, big flat brushes, and tempera paint.  We've painted using markers, watercolor pencils, pan watercolor, and now tempera.  They are pretty good with following basic techniques/rules. I showed them how to mix the colors, but let them experiment.  If they end up with brown is a learning experience. 

Video of My Class At Work

Notice how quiet the room is!  They are allowed to talk while they work, but they were so "into it" that they were silent...UNTIL...the one boy says, "Painting makes me tired." ha ha 

*I never show the students full face unless I have parent permission. That was one good thing about masks!! ha ha

March 23, 2022

Fascination With Peeps Marshmallows

I love Peeps Marshmallows in all their forms....Christmas Trees, Pumpkins, Stars, Bunnies, Chicks!!!  A couple years ago I started noticing at Easter that not all Peeps are created equally.  Specifically...their faces.  There are sometimes mistakes in the "printing" of their Bunnies & Chicks faces.  This year I decided to take pictures of all the funny faces I find in the stores.  Here are the ones I've captured so far! 

March 20, 2022

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: The Wait

Most artists & art educators are not known for embracing times of waiting. We are by our very nature.....DOERS.  Some things just take time.  It could be that we are attempting to grow in a certain area, but growth takes time.  It could be that we are attempting to get our work in a particular show, but face rejection (multiple times).  It may be seeing our "dream" job listed, but we are not hired for the position (this time).  No matter our dreaming, plotting, planning, and preparing.....there are times that we just must wait.  The waiting is part of our growth process.  It may be the very thing that allows us to develop in ways we never dreamed, to get our work into the show that will propel us to the next level, or to land the dream job we had yet to dream!

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 130:5

In our faith walk, we often try to take control of situations that we should be laying at the feet of our Lord.  We think we have things under control.  We think we know what is best.  We think we know the way we should proceed to get things done.  We struggle to wait for the Lord. We struggle to wait for his answer.  We struggle to wait for his plan.  We struggle to wait for his best.  Our desire TO DO does not allow us TO BE.   In Psalm 130:5 we see a beautiful picture of waiting.  I WAIT FOR THE LORD- I don't try to make my own way.  MY WHOLE BEING WAITS- It is not only my actions that show I'm waiting on the Lord, but my heart & mind as well.  AND IN HIS WORD I PUT MY HOPE- I can trust in his promises.  I can go to scripture to know why I place my trust in God & to see that he is faithful! Waiting is not weakness. Waiting is wisdom.  Do not begrudge the waiting you do in your may be the very thing God is using to bring you closer to share his love with others....and to protect & prosper you! 


March 13, 2022

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: NEW

 Have you ever been working on a drawing, and it seemed that you were unable to get things right?  More time is spent erasing than actually drawing.  Finally you start over on a new sheet of paper, and "magically" you are able to do what seemed impossible just moments before.  Erasing usually gets rid of what's on the surface of your paper, but often the hurdles we encounter go beyond the surface.  We develop a mental blocks in our drawing because of the mistakes we were making, and often they snowball into feelings of frustration and defeat artistically.  Sometimes a fresh start on a clean sheet of paper gives us the freedom to create like we were unable to before. The false starts, frustrations, and damaged tooth (texture of the paper's surface) no longer linger.  Sometimes an eraser is just not enough.

So often we don't live as the "new creations" God has made us to be.  We allow our past to keep us from living out the life God has given us to live.  We allow the mistakes we've made to keep us from moving forward in what God has given us to do.  We allow those who knew us before to speak untruth into our lives about who we now are.  The devil uses these things to defeat us before we've had a chance to live out our new life in Christ.  

However, this is what scripture says is true.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;  old things have passed away & look, new things have come. 
 2 Corinthians 5:17

Turn the page....get a new sheet....mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!  God has made us new IN HIM!  The mistakes of the past are just that...THE PAST.  We can get hung up on our past mistakes and allow that to rob us of the joy we have in Christ.  We need to see ourselves as He sees us.  We need to accept this as truth. It is at the core of who we now are in Him.  God did not just "erase" our past...he made us NEW mark, blemish, or trace of what was in His eyes.  Through Christ...we are spotless...a clean sheet!  How does this truth impact your life?  How should it impact your life?  What are you doing with this gift?  What lies are you believing that are keeping you from embracing 2 Corinthians 5:17?

March 11, 2022

Kindergarten Funny

This is one of my kindergarten student's cityscape. If you live in or around know!!! Haha He made sure I knew what he did here! He was so proud.

This is the AT&T Building(formally Bell South Tower)...but no one calls it that.  It is THE BATMAN BUILDING.  It kind of looks like Batman's head.  So my amazing student when ahead and put Batman's head in for the top of a building!! ha ha  LOVE IT!

March 09, 2022


 Not sure if you all have missed me or not, but there is a good reason for my blogger silence!  My family moved last week from our home of 12 yrs.  Moving with three children and 12 yrs worth of "stuff" takes it out of you!! ha ha  Plus, we also had the stomach bug run through our house!!! NO FUN! I'll try to catch you up on some things soon!!  Stay tuned.