September 10, 2012

Question for You: Advertising

(me playin' with again)

I have been approached by another company asking me if I'd be willing to "advertise" for them.  I have thought about it...but never felt it was the right fit.  Today I was contacted by an online art supply company.  This seems like a pretty good fit, but I'm still not sure.  How do you all feel about those that advertise on their blog?  Do you ever visit those sites?  Do you find it annoying that bloggers advertise??  
What are your thoughts?


  1. Hello Mr. E!

    I think it just depends on how overwhelming the ad is on your site. I think there are advertisements on blogs that are totally effective and wonderful, but there are also blogs that have so many advertisements I cannot navigate the site without being annoyed. You could always try it out and see what you think! Sounds like it has great potential!

  2. I think that is a great thing! We do a lot for free as art teachers. Just think. . . you could earn money for some take out! And you can thank us all for the lo mein. I think you go for it!

  3. give it a whirl- especially if you like the company, it's products and prices. We art teachers do have to shop for cool art stuff anyway. Kara S-

  4. I don't really pay attention to ads that are on other blogs. If it is something that you feel comfortable advertising/supporting then go for it1

  5. I think it is a good thing! Go for it!

  6. Most of the blogs I read are through my blog reader, so I don't see a whole lot of ads. I do have some small ad links on my blog and I figure for the amount of work and info I give out for free what's the harm? Overwhelming ads are one thing, but a few ads here and there are not intrusive to me. I say go for it too. I just think of all the money I spend for my own personal art enrichment (art supplies, books, workshops) that I figure it's good to pay off some of it with the money I get from my blog (which is not much). I do the amazon affiliate thing, which is nice because they give you amazon gift cards for "click through" purchases. I don't gratuitously post amazon links, but only when I specifically talk about a really good book I like. Then I can buy NEW books with the money from amazon. It's cyclical.

  7. Go ahead and go for it! You deserve it. For some reason, us teachers do everything for free (like charity work) and feel guilty if we get anything in return. Please don't do any of the advertisements that move around the screen or pop up. I've stopped looking at blogs like these. Also, some people start giving away so many things that they forget to blog about what they started blogging about :) Good luck! Shana Norton

  8. Hmmmm......At first I thought, I NEVER read any ads on people's blogs. And then I thought, well, if TED has ads on his blog, will I feel obligated to buy something like I do when my students try to sell me Girl Scout cookies? But then I said to myself, well, Ted would never promote something cheesy or poor quality, so why not?
    I vote YES!!


  9. Hi Ted
    I agree with Marcia. I have some links on my blog to Amazon and Dick Blick products - only products I use and really like. Readers can click on them or not. I am an Amazon affiliate as well - the program allows you to make a little money without cluttering up the blog with ads. I like a clean looking blog! Honestly, your blog rocks with or without ads.
