September 20, 2012

Oil Pastel Flowers: 3rd Grade

This is not just another Georgia O'Keeffe lesson.  My student teacher wanted to use O'Keeffe & Judy Chicago to introduce this lesson.  I was like...Judy Chicago?? I DON'T THINK SO!  ha ha  A lot of what I know of Judy Chicago isn't the most elementary friendly.  To my great surprise...she does have some amazing radial symmetry type flowers that really were a nice addition to what can be kind of an overdone lesson.  This is another reason I love having student teachers, they bring new ideas to the mix!!!!  Ms. Howell had the students fold their square construction paper in half...then in half again.  They started with a center circle..then went out from there.  Making sure whatever was done in one square...would be done in the other three.  She talked to them about color mixing with oil pastels.  Some got it...some not so much.  I love the way they turned out!  Great job Ms. Howell!!!!!!!!


  1. Lovely art work - all so individual! The approach to the subject is pretty cool too - a nice twist.

  2. Hi Ted!

    Beautiful flowers! Your students really "got it"! When I teach lessons with radial design, I like to show the kids how to use a pin or a push pin in the dead center and make it spin! I'm such a big kid! LOL


  3. They are lovely. I was surprised by the Judy Chicago connection too. I've spent some time at the Brooklyn Museum perusing her amazing work The Dinner Party, which is definitely not something I would introduce to elementary students. It's pretty provocative. Anyhow the artwork is super-duper!

  4. These are fabulous!

  5. Oh, and one more thing, do not Google Judy Chicago + flowers if you have students watching over your shoulder.......Oh my!
