August 16, 2012


Our school has adopted School Wide Positive Behavior Support (or something like that).  That means out with my old classroom management system....and in with SWPBS system. The classes are able to move up and down the scale...starting each day on green.  For recording what each class gets when they come, I used empty crayon boxes.  At the end of class, I place a stick that represents the color their class ended on.  At the end of the nine weeks, the class with the most blues/purples will receive a fun pencil(they are so excited).  


  1. Hi Mr. E,

    We use this at our school. I really like your idea! What are the different words on the colored rectangles. I can make out a couple of them but not all of them.



  2. Hi Mr. E, I like your Idea! We use PBS at our school for better or worse:P What are the words on the colored rectangles? I can make out some of them but not all.



  3. Purple-Outstanding
    Blue-Great Job
    Green-Ready to Learn
    Yellow-Slow Down Think About It
    Red-Teacher's Choice

    Those are the words they told us we had to use for SWPBS...not my choice. I feel they fall a bit flat in the art room..but I do what I'm told! ha ha

  4. yes, you are probably right about falling flat. It is another thing to keep up with. Most of the teachers here have notebooks they send around with their kids to mark individual offenders. Anyway, thanks for the idea.


  5. I'm at my 4th PBS school in 7 years! It has really great aspects and I support the pre-teaching emphasis. The downside is, like most behavior programs, unless EVERYONE is on board (teachers and staff) you can get bogged down in stuff like the wording of expectations and loose the overall point. I hope it works well for your school!

  6. We started one last year as well, but, just as Mrs. Art Teacher said, everyone didn't follow that well. However, parts of ours were fairly time consuming and NOONE kept them up. That never works out.

  7. I'm in our 6th year as a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) school and the 5th as the internal coach for my school.
    I will say they are good - but what really has worked better for our school was defining the school wide framework (ours is ROAR - Respect On task, Always Responsible - we're the tigers) and then allowing teacher to plug their rules/expectations into that framework - if helps ALOT with by in, mine are here:

  8. Do you still use this system? Was curious what teacher's choice means in the red spot? If every class starts out on green, how do you determine when to bump them up or down? If its too noisy do you just say OK I am moving you down to yellow? Was thinking of using this and assigning points to each color stick and whatever class at each grade level has the most points wins. Because lets say one class consistently has light blues and the other class beats them because they had a dark blue one but lots of green ones. It doesn't seem as fair?

    1. we are still using it. I'm not really sure what they mean by TEACHERS CHOICE? We had to use the exact wording that the classroom teachers used, but it does play out differently in an related arts room. I told them if they went to was silent art and they had to write a letter to the principal explaining what happened for them to go to red & how they could fix it next time. There is not light or dark blue. Purple is the outstanding is a great day . You make the choice to move up or if the class is loud..and you warn them...then they get moved.
