February 05, 2012


I completely rearranged my room with the arrival of my Ladibug.  My reading area was in this corner, but my drop for my LCD projector...the major outlet in my room...and the internet connections(because our wi-fi is "iffy" at times).  I wanted to make this technology as user friendly & integrated into my teaching as possible.  So my "need" for order & sameness had to take a backseat as I totally rearranged my room.  

Here is an example of what it can do!(note the awesomeness of the turtle! ha ha)

If you have any questions about this...let me know.  I am still learning as I work with it...so I might have to get back to you on some questions.  

Here is the link to the Ladibug site if you want to learn more!


  1. Never heard of it. It looks sort of like a document camera/smart board-y thing. Can you alter the doc on the computer while projecting? (write on it, change the color etc)

    I like that it looks so petite. My Elmo takes up too much room on its cart.

  2. Ahh don't you love a document camera? I didn't have one at my last school. . But I have one now! I LOVE it. I set mine to record and then I'm able to record my demos and upload them to our class blog. That way, students who miss Art can review online at home (or even during class, when I can't give one-on-one instruction). I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE my document camera and I can't say enough about it.

    I have mine set up at a table where I stare at the kids, but I have the screen flipped. The screen is behind me, and my right hand (on the screen) is the same at the kid's right hand! It is great for directed drawings and for basic demonstrations. I love how it makes the safety protocols (like for lino cutting) so easy and obvious for everyone.

    I think these should be standard for every art room! Whee.

  3. Hi Ted,

    Is a Ladibug the same as an ELMO? That's what I have in my room and I LOVE it! No more, "Hey Art Teacher, you're standing in my way, I can't see what you're drawing!" I used the ELMO and my brand new LCD projector as my mid-cycle(evaluated every three years)goal. To try to become proficient in using them both when presenting a whole group lesson. I'm glad you have a cute new addition to your artroom!


  4. Phyl & Pat....yes, the ladybug is very much like the Elmo...except much cheaper & cute/petite. I am really glad to have it instead of the Elmo...more flexible/less space consuming.

    Amy...I'm planning on starting to record my demos!! See if I can post them to Art With Mr. E

  5. It looks like you can move that arm around a lot more than my ELMO. Nice. That would be my only complaint with mine. Oh, and the way mine is set up is not convenient, but that isn't the ELMO's fault.

  6. LOVE my ladibug too! I have had one for two years and don't know how I managed without one before.

    Try setting up a still life under the bug and project it. Really fun and a class of 35+ can see everything just fine! Easy to change views too without moving kids...
