February 17, 2012

Clay Building Facades

4th Grade has been doing a large unit on buildings & architecture.  This week we looked at a variety of building facades, and talked about what sets some buildings apart from their boring counterparts.  Here are just a few of the student works being created from this lesson(and yes...I did have a few very boring square houses with triangle roofs possessing NO detail, but I wanted to show some of the fun ones!!  

1 comment:

  1. I love these facades and how different they are! I did a similar project of castle facades with my Grade 5s (here: http://artroomwithaview.blogspot.com/2011/12/castles-in-clay.html)
    I used air dry clay...which became a little tricky when the kids made their slabs too thin and little pieces were breaking off. What type of clay did you use? Will you glaze or paint?
