November 12, 2011

New Blog/Old Teacher

 HA HA HA!!!  I wanted to feature an ol' friend of mine, Mrs. Forney.  She was part of the original art gang here in Nashville(this was a group of 5 of us art teacher that adopted each other after leaving our home state to move to Nashville to start our teaching career back in 1997).  She moved to Ohio with her husband's work & has been out of the profession(because there are few art jobs in Ohio) for several years.  Now she's back and blogging(peer pressure from the Nashville Art Gang)!!!  Check out her site...she's just getting started if you can stop and give her some encouragement...that would be awesome!!  
Tell her Mr. E sent ya!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Gotta love a tight knit group of arties. I've added her to my blog roll : ).

  2. Thanks for the feature! I feel so awesome. Ha,ha!
