Ok, so last week we had parent teacher conference...so one of my 2nd grade classes was not able to finish their project. So here is the last set...I PROMISE!!!! Some of you asked what I was teaching/asking for from my students...so I thought I'd repost the info from when this saga first began! ha ha
My 2nd graders spent most of 1st nine weeks learning about & creating abstract art...in all its forms! They loved it!!!! I revisited the idea of non objective art & focal point(a lesson we did during the 1st nine weeks). We reviewed radial symmetry and discussed circular design. Then I dropped the bomb...YOU WILL NOT BE DRAWING WITH A PENCIL FIRST...YOU WILL BE DRAWING WITH BLACK PAINT!
I really enjoyed the reaction of my students when I said this. We discussed what could be some of the issues with doing this...and worked through our fears. The first day consisted of them "drawing" their circular design, and then receiving 2 colors of their choising to paint part of their picture. They were told they'd be finished the work the following week with 3 more colors (so they needed to make some choices about what color goes where). The main thing was that there had to be total coverage...NO WHITE! We looked at art work by Kandinsky & Miro.
I think I said this when you posted the first batch: they're gorgeous! Bravos to the artists - great lesson. Totally my taste - bright rich colors w/black lines - oh yeah!!!