May 21, 2013


In times like these...we feel helpless.  We look at the images of the schools destroyed, and think that it could have just as easily been us!  What can we do?  How can we help?  There are ways to give through different trustworthy organizations...and that will help in time.  Right now though...people are walking around dazed & confused....still in shock. Some are still looking for their loved ones.  Some are by the bedside of those clinging to life...or struggling with horrible injuries.  The only thing I know to do is pray.  
At the end of my first year of teaching....I was in a city far away from everything & everyone I classroom was destroyed by a mother had 3 strokes at the age of 47.  A year my mother was just getting back to a new father was diagnosed with cancer & died 4 days later.  

Why do I share this?  Horrible things happen!  Things we don't get...things we don't understand...things we think & feel should not happen to us!  

The situations/circumstances were beyond what I could understand or deal with.....but not beyond God.  
There is a song... 


I don't know about tomorrow; 
I just live from day to day. 
I don't borrow from its sunshine 
For its skies may turn to grey. 
I don't worry o'er the future, 
For I know what Jesus said. 
And today I'll walk beside Him, 
For He knows what is ahead. 
Many things about tomorrow 
I don't seem to understand 
But I know who holds tomorrow 
And I know who holds my hand. 
Every step is getting brighter 
As the golden stairs I climb; 
Every burden's getting lighter, 
Every cloud is silver-lined. 
There the sun is always shining, 
There no tear will dim the eye; 
At the ending of the rainbow 
Where the mountains touch the sky. 
Many things about tomorrow 
I don't seem to understand 
But I know who holds tomorrow 
And I know who holds my hand. 
I don't know about tomorrow; 
It may bring me poverty. 
But the one who feeds the sparrow, 
Is the one who stands by me. 
And the path that is my portion 
May be through the flame or flood; 
But His presence goes before me 
And I'm covered with His blood. 
Many things about tomorrow 
I don't seem to understand 
But I know who holds tomorrow 
And I know who holds my hand...

Prayers are what got me through....and continue to move me forward.  Prayers are what I have to give for the lives impacted by the tornado.  I can not wrap my arms around those hurting right now...but God can.  Please pray with me!!! 


  1. Prayer does help all things... thank you for the beautiful post. Know that others are praying along with you.

  2. Thank you for sharing. As I learned in Griefshare, life can be awful, but God is always good. I did not always understand that, but now I know that we live in a fallen broken world that God did not intend, but He remains with us through all things, faithful to the end. Your song summed that all up nicely. Becky
