April 20, 2011

Tints & Color Mixing with Kindergarten

Kindergarten did the Georgia O'Keeffe lesson I've shared on here in years past.  They start with a dot in the center of the page, and draw six wavey lines coming from the dot.  They then pick a plate of paint that I've already pre-dispensed(I try to have a variety of color combos).  Everyone gets white to create tints.  I showed them how to mix their colors on the paper, and to paint from the center point out to create a "flow".  At the end of class we discussed what tints & shades were, they were given a color & had to tell me what two colors made it, and then just other random color knowledge. 


  1. What a great idea for a Georgia O'Keefe flower!

  2. What is the time frame for this lesson?

    1. My classes run 60 min, but I start with a story. The next class time I had them use Oil pastels to add a little detail..but that was only 10 min.

  3. What story did you use to go along with this lesson?

    1. I think I used Flora's Surprise. About a bunny that plants a brick....her siblings planted flowers and food stuff.

  4. These kids surely have some new ideas on how to use those coloring materials into their own work. They can discover on how nice a certain color can be. They might also promote the idea of having a choice.

  5. Hi what type of paints did you use to do this? desperate to do some Georgia o keefe inspired work!
