April 07, 2011

Art Show Cookies!!

Every year I ask my teachers to bring in a package of cookies for the art show.  Every year they come through for me, and we usually have extra!  As of yesterday I only had 4 packages of cookies.  I was ready to head out after school and buy enough to have for the art show, but I decided to give my teachers till this morning before I started to worry.  Sure enough...the cookies started coming in!!! I now have 19 packages of cookies for tonight's art show!!!  I think we'll have some extra for the teacher's lounge tomorrow. One of my 3rd grade teachers told me that when she check out with only cookies, the cashier asked her what she was planning on doing with them...she told the cashier about the art show.  The cashier said..."Go get another package and I'll buy them for your school art show!"  Isn't that awesome!!!


  1. I like this idea. My art show is in May, maybe I should consider asking for cookies too!

  2. Phyl..the teachers really seem to like doing this! Something they can do to show they appreciate you, but yet not hang the art for you! :) ha ha No..I really appreciate my teachers & their willingness to help out like this.

  3. Maybe in the future ask for fruit platters, too...

    I'm not a fan of packaged cookies wiht all the chemicals, and I'm guessing there are folks who would appreciate an alternative.

  4. Oh but the kids prefer the cookies and they'll all survive...

    Today I had my PTSA volunteer to do the refreshment table (thank you!) for my art show, in appreciation for what I do for them (fundraiser project, plus I'm nice to their kids). So I guess I don't need to ask for cookies after all.
