September 30, 2010

Top 20 Art Blogs

I received an e-mail the other day letting me know my blog had been picked as one of the top 20 art blogs out there.  At first I thought it was a bit strange because I had never heard of the website/person that had selected the 20 blogs.  I still am unsure of what the criteria was of the selection process, but press is free press! Thank you Maria Megher..whoever & where ever you are!!!  I appreciate you recommending my blog. I am thankful that some one out there likes my little piece of cyberspace!! :) ha ha 

Check it out!


  1. Congratulations. I came upon your blog purely by chance. I am a high school art teacher and am always looking for inspiration.

  2. That's awesome! It looks pretty legit to me :)

  3. I think it is really cool! Now I think we should get our little blogging group in scholastic art magazine!

  4. I think you are my top art blog...just saying!

  5. Ed I have just found your lesson ideas further down the blog- I will be very busy!!! Congratulations on what will be a fantastic event

  6. Kudos to you! You really do a nice job with your art blog, and I enjoy checking out what's happening in Nashville!
