September 07, 2010


This show is not for children!  I want to start off with that.  The content & language is often PG 13.  That being said, I have surprisingly liked this reality show.  I read many blogs that hated it...saying that it did not show the true artistic process, was not how real artists work, removed the sole from art...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!  I respect their opinions, but would like to say...RESPECT OTHERS OPINIONS!  Isn't it amazing that so many artists want people to accept them & what they do without judgement, yet are some of the most self righteous judgemental people you'll ever meet?!?  Anyways...getting back to the show.  I really liked how it was opening the contemporary art door for so many that think of art only as Van Gogh, Monet...and other "masters".  It was interesting to hear the judges thoughts on the individual artists & their work.  Some truly favored the concept over the actual execution. I take issue with that.  Ideas & abilities need to go hand and hand for a work to be truly great I feel.  I felt that the right person won in the end (won't give it away for those who want to watch it).  I sent in an e-mail saying I wanted to be considered for the next season of it...but have not heard back.  I think it would be fun to set up our own local  "Work of Art" here in Nashville with some of the art teachers.  All meet at one school...have 2 or 3 hrs of studio time to create a project based off of a given theme.  Everyone could bring a few supplies with them.  Could be fun?  What am I saying...any reason to get together with other artists/art teachers is fun!!!   So if you haven't checked out the show, I'm sure it is somewhere online for your viewing pleasure.  Oh...and let me know if you have your own "Work of Art" with your peers...would love to hear what you do & how it goes!!!


  1. I enjoyed watching - brought me back to my days going to art school and we were all so caffiened up with no sleep I actually remember critiques that we laughed until we were sobbing. What a cool idea to get together witht he art teachers ~ sounds like a great session at the next convention!! I am bummed that my tivo did not tape the last 2 for some reason - are they all online?

  2. I enjoy the show but never remember what night it is on. Have they selected the winner yet or is it still on? I guess I shouldlook online to see if I can find it. Anyhow, I agree, it's definitely NOT for kids.

    By the way - I absolutely LOVE your idea of a local Work of Art competition. It could be a lot of fun. So much of visual art is done in a solitary fashion, where drama and music is so often done in groups, so it would be fun to have the sort of interaction required for a competition like this.

  3. I kind of liked the show, too. Some of the artists were annoying, but some are quite creative. It was different.

  4. Love the show...thanks for encouraging me to watch it! SO love the idea of a group to do it there, too bad I am too far...may try to figure out my own way to do one here.

  5. Loved the show! I watched every episode and looked forward to it over my summer vaca. I hope there is another season. A lot of bizarre pieces of art. What did you think of Myles? What was the deal with his final exhibition. I agree with Tishalou...very art school days..the free life of coming into class and working on a painting all morning while drinking down cup after cup of coffee! Great topic Mr. E!

  6. Myles drove me nuts. At the beginning I felt bad for him..because I know what it is like to be a bit OCD...and he would just seemingly shut down. THEN...I felt he showed his true colors. Master manipulator(sp?). BLAH! I thought his show was very blah. Static...not dynamic at all.
    The right person won!

  7. I love keeping up with you and what your doing in the classroom. I, like you, was on the standards committee in Arkansas I learned so much from my peers. Now getting back to the show, I ABSOLUTELY loved the show and felt that Abdi was the one who had the true "Work of Art" I hope that another season debuts soon.

  8. They had a casting call in NY and LA over a year ago... one of my friends went to it. Picture the american idol casting calls but with artists holding big portfolios and artwork. I am sure if you stay tuned to their website you will find out when the next casting call is, if they got picked up for a second season. But you will probably have to fly to NY or LA for a 30 second opportunity.

  9. My uncle applied for the next season... he did not make it, but I'm looking forward to tuning in!!
