November 24, 2014

Maury County Visual Art PD: AKA Ted & Janet's Excellent Adventure

On Nov. 21st....Janet & I set out on a most excellent adventure!!  We drove to Maury County TN to lead a professional development for their visual art teachers!  This all came about because one of their art teachers and I hung out over fall break so I could help her with the new state portfolio growth assessment that their county just adopted(and we adopted last year). 
Here is the post about that meeting!! ---  (THE STORY STARTS HERE)

Janet & I usually present together in our district.  Scary to say..we share at least part of a brain!! ha ha
So I was glad to have her along for this adventure!  I had never been to Maury County before!  They only have about 16 art teachers total K-12.  That is very different from Nashville(90+ elementary!!..150 total K-12)....but a good different in many ways!  We were greeted with smiling faces...and many THANK YOU FOR COMING!!!  They don't have a lot of professional development...and it is usually one of them leading it.  So they were excited to be able to just enjoy the day and be a part of the adventure!!!  

The main reason for us being there was to train the teachers on the new teacher assessment portfolio.  This is a good allows us to be "judged" & evaluated on what we actually do in the art room.  It removes the math/reading type standardized test score from our overall evaluation(which is 50%). Anyways...they were excited to learn more about it...and asked AMAZING questions!!  They were really a wonderful group of teachers to work with!!  
?!?!me talking with my hands!??!

HOWEVER...Janet and I didn't want to just do the training for the portfolio...we wanted to have FUN too!!!  So we had to art making sessions added into the day!!!  Janet taught them the joy & application of Shrinky Dinks!! They really are awesome!!! Great for jewelry making lessons!!

I taught them how I do ugly dolls in my classroom...and introduced them to SMART FAB.  Some of them were able to finish, but many took them home so they could spend more time on them.  

I truly loved being able to meet these amazing art educators...and hopefully share some new information with them that they can apply!!!  They said they want us to come back!  I hope we spending time with my peeps!!

Just a side note...if you ever get to Maury County a town called Mt. Pleasant....YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE MT.PLEASANT GRILL!!!!!!!!!  I had a fried green tomato & bacon sandwich...and homemade blackberry milkshake!! WOW.  Gonna take my wife down that way sometime...she'd love it!!

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