December 14, 2011

Snowpeople Lookin' Here, There, & Everywhere!

 I don't recall where I saw this lesson, but I thought it was a fun idea!  I had my 3rd graders make snowmen from three different points of view: Front, Profile, and 3/4 Turn.  I didn't get pictures of a couple classes..which I'm sad about.  It is so funny to see some of the personalities of their snowpeople.  The one that is one up from the bottom on the right..with the red & green hat looks like an old cranky man to me! They used oil pastels to color..but construction paper crayons could have worked as well.  


  1. These are great - Take a look at the book The Twelve Days of Winter by Denise Fleming - it is great for point of view on a snowman - I use it with 1st grade. Here are last year's samples (haven't photographed this year's yet!)
    Liek the new look -
    have a great holiday - enjoy!

  2. Oh my are these funny! The 4th one up on the right looks like a dirty old man who's about to honk some poor female snowwoman's "headlights", if you get my drift! LOL!
