August 30, 2011

Student Teacher

I have a student teacher pretty much every year....but I've never had one this early! As much as I like to have my classes for the first few months to get them into shape, I think it is good for a student teacher to see the start of a school year. I being the control freak that I am...struggle to give up control of my classroom to someone else. HOWEVER...student teachers really bring a new flavor to the classroom.  It allows you to reflect on your teaching practices as you watch them....they bring new project ideas to the room(usually)....and it is almost always nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of that actually knows what you are talking about!!!  If you every have a student teacher...and want to talk things over with me...please drop me a line!!


  1. I'll be getting my first student teacher right after winter break. I'm really looking forward to the experience.

  2. i am a student teacher at mtsu too. i know yours and she will definitely bring a new flavor to your class, in a good way of course! can't wait to see what you guys come up with together!

  3. I have my first ever student teacher coming in on September 12 - only 1 week after we start up! Looking forward to it, but I too will have some big issues with giving up control!

  4. This my 9th student does get easier to give up control....IF the student teacher is good! :)

  5. Being rural, there's not really any college in the vicinity. Over the years, I've only had 2 student teachers, both by request since my school was not on their college "list". One was the wife of a former student (she was AWESOME)and the other is a local gal whose daughters were in my classes. Both did observation classes where they visited my room and wanted to come back, and we had to get special permission both times due to the unusual circumstances. They were great learning experiences, but it is SO hard to give up control. Little things made me crazy even though they were both filled with potential and I'd love to see the local gal get my job when I retire (the other one already has a great job).
