October 10, 2018

Bulletin Board/Displays: Practicum Students Edition

As part of my MTSU practicum students' requirements....they had to create a bulletin board or display in my classroom.  I have to admit...it is challenging to come into someone else's room that has a vibe & try to make something that would fit within that teacher's style.  We talked about possible ideas, and I created a list for them of things I'd find useful in my classroom.  However, I did tell them if they had an idea....I was open to other possibilities.  I also let them know I might make changes to their boards/displays once they've left to better fit into my classroom.  This isn't to be mean, but I have to live in this space.....they were just visiting! ha ha
Here are what my practicum students created. 

Doing their best Vanna White impersonation!!!!

I really loved her poster...it is so sweet!! 

I had been working on a unit with my 1st graders about emotions.  
I love that I now have a poster to be a reminder for my students!!

I had a pre-existing board that needed changed out! (this is my super hero inspired ARTIST LEAGUE board) She found this amazing Brazilian artist(female & still alive!!) that I just love!!!!  Can't wait to create some lessons using Beatriz Milhazes as inspiration.

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