August 26, 2018

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: The Cost

One of the most challenging things I deal with as an artist is pricing my work.  It is a huge struggle for me to assign a monetary value to my creations.  Over the years many have given me advice on how to handle this task.  Some figure in the number hours of work invested,  material costs, amount of education & training associated with developing needed skills, demand, going rate of related work in the area, and a host of other factors.  All of which can and should be taken into consideration when pricing one's work. Another reason this process can be challenging is the reactions and responses of others.  "Must be nice to play all day & get paid for it."  "I could go down to Walmart and buy a picture a lot cheaper than that!"  "Cut me a better deal and I'll tell everyone that comes in where I got the work, and advertise for you."  "You aren't Picasso, why are you charging so much?"  "I'll just frame the Van Gogh print I bought."  There will always be those who do not see the value.  There will always be people who will attempt to devalue what you do.  Supporting local, original, and custom made art work is worth the investment of others.

 But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.  Philippians 3:7-8

There is a cost in living the Christian life that many do not talk about. Cost makes us uncomfortable.  Cost causes us to weigh the "worth" of something.  Scripture tells us again and again that we will have to let go, we will suffer loss, and we will have to sacrifice.  But somehow we think that doesn't apply to us.  We think we can live in the world & like the world while still claiming the benefits of the Christian life. Others may question our faith & the choices we make, the way we live, the way we act, and the way we react.  God has called us to consider the cost of following him.  However, what we receive in return is so far beyond the sacrifice that might be required of us.  God can not be out given.  It may not take the form of money, fame, or other worldly successes/accolades....but what God gives us brings a love that lasts eternally, a hope that never gives up, a peace that passes all understanding, and a purpose and passion that is undeniable.  Those amazing gifts allow us to know him, praise him, and make him known.  THE COST IS WORTH IT!  

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