May 14, 2011

THE CICADAS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!! -Kindergarten

Do you have Cicadas where you live?  I don't remember them in Ohio.  We had Locust, but I don't remember Cicadas?  Here is a link to learn more if you so desire ( ).  I first encountered the cicada my first or second year teaching in TN.  This version of the bug comes out every 13 yrs.  There are annual ones...and I read there was a 17 yr one as well(but I'll have to wait a few more years to see if that is true).  So they come out of the ground after 13 yrs..and transform into this otherworldly looking creature.  They leave their "shells" behind...and the kids love to pick them up and play with them.  I decided to do a lesson on cicadas with my Kindergarten students to get them prepared. I had a powerpoint, MP3 of their mating song(which is very loud and very annoying after awhile!!!), and some of the "shells".  The kids LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Gross is good at this age I guess! ha ha  We then created collage cicada!  I hung them up  in the hall & created a stir!!!  The whole school is now cicada crazy & kids keep bringing me the little buggers!!


  1. The kids' cicadas are much cuter than the real thing.

  2. In 13 years, I'm stealing this. HAHA.

  3. LOVE these - bet your kinders had fun cutting out the lacy wings. We have cicadas in MI-but they don't come out and start their annoying noise until late August. Around here they say that when you hear the cicadas call, we have just 6 weeks of warm weather left. So I'm always kind of depressed to hear them in August!! Think I'll try to collect some though and try your project in September - thanks for the cool idea!

  4. we have a ton of them here! what a cute project!

  5. Ted, awhile back I had a post about these little things on my blog, not knowing what in the world they were! Their shells were stuck on my house and I was seriously scared to death! I called Terminex and everything!! I never encountered them until I moved to Mississippi. They were around us in July-early August.

  6. That's a fun idea to do with a variety of bugs!
