August 16, 2020

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Copy-Cat

Individuality & originality is encouraged and expected in my classroom.   I do not want to find my students copy-catting my work or the work of others. When you create you are sharing part of yourself through your art.  When you copy you are denying your voice and self expression within your work.  That being said, there is a time & place for imitating others in art.  I try to model behaviors and skills I do want them to copy-cat.  I want my students to observe me applying proper technique, focus, and creative processes.  I will work along side them once they are busy on their projects. I feel it is important for them to see me creating with them.  By doing this, I can reinforce technique, proper posture (kids will often work with their face laying on their arm on the table..inches from their pictures), work ethic, and I'll verbally process through if I encounter issues so they can witness me dealing with problems.  This I can get on board with them copy-catting.

Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

Discipleship is key for Christian growth.  We need to find people that we can watch, question, interact with, and be a part of their lives.  Not because they are the "perfect" example of what a believer is, but because they live a life that imitates Christ, humbly seeks him in all they do, and strives to bring honor & glory to the Lord.  They are people that walk with integrity, and know the Word of God.  Having these type of people in our lives to model the Christian walk is incredibly beneficial.  Seeing those who are imitators of Christ, as we too seek to be imitators of Christ, helps us to navigate this world we live in with a reference point from someone who is a bit further down the road.  In turn..we can be that for others.  Knowing we are all uniquely created/designed...we do not seek to merely copy-cat someone else, but use their example as a reference point.  We can not live this life on our own.  We were meant to be in relationship with other believers.  God designed us that way!  

Who do you have in your life that is someone you desire to imitate?  Who do you have in your life that would want to imitate you & your walk with God? 


  1. Awesome post! I am struggling with all the technology, not because I don't know how to make a Bitmoji classroom but because I want to be with the students not a counterfit copy or a post-it note on a Jamboard.

    1. I have told my students...this will do for now...but I miss seeing you in person and creating in the art room!!! The struggle is real!
