The all school art show is almost here, and I'm up to my ears in "prep". How do you know when your up to your ears in "prep"....your classroom starts looking messy(for some of you..messier than usual...I'm a bit on the OCD mine starts getting messy & it drives me nuts), you take tons of stuff home(sometimes it gets done..sometimes it doesn't), you start calling in favors of everyone you know (or just flat out begging for help on social media!!!), and your blood pressure slowly creeps upwards! ha ha Maybe you are an amazing planner/organizer...and this doesn't happen to you. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!! ha ha
I hang 550 pieces of art work so that my K-4 students are all represented. It always gets done, it always turns out awesome, but it is always a bumpy road to get to the art show! I do a theme. I know a lot of people don't do a theme....or have very strong feelings against doing a theme.....but that is your issue & I love doing a theme!! I start theme"ing" my lessons as soon as I get back from spring break. I attempt to do the entire nine weeks in that theme so we have choices in which project will actually be in the show. After the art work is must be trimmed down and mounted on construction paper(it just looks better in my opinion). Then tape gets placed in each corner. This is to keep the "sticky tack" from seeping through the paper. There is an oil in it to keep it from drying out..and that can seep through and ruin the work. The sticky tack works the best at my might find something else that works. I make class signs in the theme of the art show....have students make thank you cards to give out the night of the show...collect cookies for a cookie table(my teachers love to help by bringing a package of cookies in!!)...create some activity so parents/family can create with their student...etc...etc...OH...and hange 550 pieces!! :) ha ha
If you do an all school art show....I'd love to hear some of your tips and tricks!
What kinds of themes do you do? Can you elaborate?
ReplyDeleteunder the sea, bugs, night at the zoo, around the world, food, robots and rocket ships , how artists see, recycled, aliens & monsters, pet shop