January 27, 2015

Vines for VBS


Hello friends!!  On my blog I also share ideas/tips for VBS!  This year I am so excited for the theme...I've already started preparing!!  (My wife is the children's minister....so I am Mr. Ministry! Hahaha)  One of the ideas they shared at VBS training was using plastic table covers for vines.  They didn't recommend the ones at dollar stores because they are so cheap...but that is exactly why I wanted to use them!  I first unfolded it just enough so I could cut long strips out of it.  With some...I unfolded them completely....then pulled/stretched the plastic out all the way down the strip. I loved the look of this!!  The others I tried different cutting techniques to make them look "leafy".  I don't know if there is a right way to do it.....just be careful not to over cut or over stretch!  They are dollar store...and pretty thin.  I believe I made 40 from one plastic cover!!  $1 well spent!

 Stay tuned for more VBS ideas!!


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