April 04, 2013

Color Me Impressed!!!

You have those moments were you are just so impressed with a child's work...ya gotta tell some one!  Well, after e-mailing his mom...and stopping any teacher I saw in the hall....I decided I needed to share it with you as well.  I was introducing colored pencils for the first time with my Kindergarten students. I just don't even want to deal with it first semester.  The sharpening is really the issue with the K's.  By now though...I feel they have a handle on it...and are ready for colored pencils.  I showed them blending/mixing, and value before turning them loose!  This student filled up his page with this drawing better than most...but the color really took me by surprise.  He did such an amazing job with blending the red/pink in the center flower...and the yellow to red was looking so wonderful on the top right hand flower!!! 
 I can't wait for him to finish it up!!!!


  1. Wow! The overlapping with the stem and petals is awesome too!

  2. Wow! I teach middle school (6-8) art and the majority of my students can't even color that well. We've been working hard on blending, so some are getting better but I wish they could do this!

    1. Megan, you should show them the picture and tell them a 5 yr old did it!! :) Shame them into better work!! ha ha

    2. Megan,
      I agree my middle school students would struggle with this too.

  3. Wow, pretty ambitious for a kindergartner! I'm impressed! Even if they have the fine motor control to do that, most K's wouldn't have the attention span to pull it off! How big is the paper?

  4. Wow! I thought that was a coloring page at first because the drawing is so nice!

    1. JESSICA!!!!! HUSH YO MOUTH!?!?!?!? CoLoRiNG SheEtS?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH!!!!!

    2. I know, I know....that's exactly what I thought when I saw it! But seriously, not many kinders can draw that nicely!
