September 19, 2011

Bottle Cap Mural T.G.E. Style

Bottle Caps still coming in!!!! (I think I'll keep on collecting them for the next project)

I sent home this worksheet with my 3rd & 4th graders on Friday.  I explained what I was looking for & that I wanted it returned Monday morning ( glad I don't usually give homework...80 out of about 200 students returned it.)  On the worksheet there is a 2in. x 7in. rectangle for them to draw their design(corresponds with the 2ft. x 7ft. boards that we'll be using to attache the caps). 

Here are the results of the worksheet!  I went through and selected what I found to be the
 most interesting designs. 

My friend Michael O'Neil donated the boards, paint, and labor!  THANK YOU MICHAEL!!!!!!  If any of you are in the Nashville M & M PAINTING!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I transferred the designs onto the 2ft x 7ft boards.

I painted in the designs using the colors that will correspond to the colors of caps we have. The students will start putting the caps on this week!! I'm so excited!!!

This is where the mural will be going when it is all finished.  I've never been a fan of our sign outside our school.  It is boring, and the little blue post holding it up just looks out of proportion(it is a little over 7ft tall...but way to skinny). 


  1. I'm going to be jumping on the bottle cap mural bandwagon, too. I asked the awesome lunch room people at school and they saved me tons of lids from the kids' milk. Now I have tons of red (from the popular chocolate milk) and need to focus on getting more colors.

  2. Love this design! Are you going to spray paint the caps to make them the colors you need or are you just trying to collect all different colors?

  3. What did you paint the boards with? I too am getting ready to start a bottle cap mural. :o)
