December 31, 2018

Make Your Mark On 2019

How are you at keeping your New Year's Resolution?


For the past few years I've really wanted to do better about creating my own art work.  There are just so many things that are priorities in my life: my wife, my three children, church, teaching full time, outside educational opportunities...etc..etc!  I DON'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE ART!!!  I can make excuses all day long for why I don't have time to make art, but in that same time...I could have been creating something! I'm so tired of making excuses.  I'm so tired of feeling guilty.  I'm so tired of not using my gifts, talents, and training outside of the classroom.


This is a no pressure challenge!! You don't have to post every day! If you miss a day or two...just start back up again! This is more of an encouragement to create/make! Maybe buddy up & have someone you can share what you're working on.  OR....I'll pin the above picture on my Art With Mr. E Facebook page (If I cAn Do ThAt?!?)...and you can post what you're working on there!!

I used my Christmas gift cards to Michael's to set myself up for success! 

I'm also thinking about reorganizing my
 art supplies so I can get to things easier!

Let me know if you are going to try to join in #MAKEYOURMARK19 ! 

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