December 30, 2018

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Words

 Though we think of art as primarily visual.....words play an amazing role!  They label it, describe it, promote it, compare it, emote about it, praise it, and condemn it. Art creates conversation.  Art is communication.  A title for a work can cause confusion or clarification.  A well written artist statement can set the scene for a work or series of works that will usher the viewer in to a deeper experience because of the context provided.  A scathing review can sway our opinion of a work, artist, or venue.  Friends discussing a work of art or an artist can raise one's curiosity & desire to seek out more information.  Yes, words have a power to impact art in a positive, negative, or neutral way.  

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Words have impact.  Do we really consider this in our day to day?  How much negativity have we allowed to escape through our lips?  How much do we entertain negativity in our ears, minds, and hearts? Sometimes we make excuses.  We call it "playing", "sarcasm", "truth", "honesty", "the way it is"...etc. However we choose to label it....the reality is that it does not build others up, it does not show God's love, and it does not reflect The Word to the world around us.  I love this verse in Ephesians!  We see the words HELPFUL, BUILDING, BENEFIT in relation to our speech. 
 Do your words do that? 

As you reflect on the year that was & the year that is yet to come...consider how you can change the words you hear, read, write, listen, and speak so that you might better reflect the person God has called you to be.  Do your words help, encourage, inspire, build, and benefit? Do they show love, grace, and hope?  Do others want to know why your words, your way, your attitudes, and your actions are different from so many?  Do you lead others to Jesus by your life?

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