January 26, 2017

Hickory Dickory Dock: Kindergarten

Here is a possible kindergarten project for the art show.  We read Hickory Dickory Dock, and then created a page of clock faces.  Next they traced all their pencil marks with crayon to create the resist.  They then picked two colors to do a wash over the page.  We finished the day with sprinkling salt on top of their wet pictures.  Next week they will be creating collage mice to add to their pictures.


  1. I love all your art works.I wish you´ll be better.Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Sounds cute; can't wait to see the finished product with the little mice. Will you use "Mouse paint" for that inspiration?

    1. That was the first book that came to mind, but I have a few other mouse themed ones I micght use?!
