January 06, 2016

It Begins...

Every year I pick a theme for my all school art show....that is just how I roll.  I know many of you do not do it that way...and that is ok!!  Many of my friends hold back art work throughout the year, and put together a best of the best type of art show.  LOVE THEM!!  The themed art show works for me...and my school.  I love that it doesn't get "old"...I try to come up with new/fun ideas each year.  This challenges me in creating new lessons to fit within the theme, meet the requirements for our district curriculum, & fulfill the state standards!!  This year we're doing ROBOTS & ROCKET SHIPS!  With this being the first week back...I've just started into the lessons which we "might" use for the art show.  I say might...because I usually do at least three projects per grade level within the theme so I have choices!!!  I also start as soon as we get back...because you never know how many days you'll be out for snow/ice...or how many days kids will be out with colds/flu.  

Anyways..just thought I'd get you thinking about the spring art show early! 


  1. Why not broaden it to Science Fiction? That would open up the topic to futuristic landscapes, alien portraits, diagrammed inventions and so much more!

    1. It is going to go there Jenny...I just liked how robots and rocket ships rolled off the tongue! :) ha ha

  2. As a new(er) teacher, I have struggled to find a passion for art shows in addition to my blossoming curriculum...but you have saved my sanity. THEMES! Of course! Thank you for all of the inspiration you have provided our profession.
