November 16, 2015



So WEEK 3 is here...and I'm asking you to step out of your box a little.  More than likely your THANK YOU card will go to a stranger..or someone you only know very little about.  I figure many of us have spent time in the food service industry in some capacity.  I've worked fast food drive through, waited tables at a high priced fish restaurant, and managed a food court in college.  I know what it is like to have amazing customers and what it is like to be treated terribly.  Unfortunately, too often than not...these workers are not treated kindly even though many of the "issues" are not directly their fault.  The receive the brunt of people that are stressed, tired, or those who can't find what they wanted to find while out shopping.  A little kindness could go a long way for these people!  

Your card can be made with any materials...maybe you might want to do print making & have a few on hand to pass out as you go about your holiday shopping?  

Also try to figure out an extra that would be meaningful for that person.  Someone at Starbucks probably doesn't need a Starbucks gift card!! ha ha  Maybe you make jewelry or something else that would be a special gift during this season of gratitude & giving!!  

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

As on Twitter & Facebook using #ARTGIVINGNOV & #k12artchallenge  

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