September 20, 2015

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: Starting Small

He presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the bird of the air come and nest in its branches."  Matthew 13: 31-32

A Kindergarten Student Starting Their Dot

International Dot Day recently passed.  It was celebrated around the world, and thousands upon thousands of students were impacted.  If you aren't familiar with the celebration, it is based off of the book by Peter Reynolds, The Dot.  The story is about a child who feels that they are not artistic & cannot draw.  With the encouragement of a wonderful art teacher, the child begins to explore art & creativity.  It is so beautiful watching the child's excitement as they explore, learn, apply, and grow.  To think that it all started with a little dot?!?!  

Often in our Christian life, we feel as if we only have a small offering to give, a tiny gift to share, or only a few moments we can spare for the church.  It seems insignificant & worthless(by human standards).  However, God is able to take the small things of this world, and grow them & use them in ways that no one ever imagined.  There was a song that we use to sing at church camp/VBS, It Only Takes  A Spark.  In the song it  talks about how a simple spark can start a fire that warms all those around.  Those little things are what God wants from us.  You truly don't know how He can use small things to impact others, change us, and bring us into a deeper relationship with Him.  It could be a smile, an afternoon helping an elderly person in your neighborhood, a few extra dollars given to a missionary or ministry, or even a listening ear for a coworker.  God's kingdom can grow through means we'd never consider(if we were in charge?!?!).  If we'd be willing to get out of the way & serve as Christ served, love as Christ loved(loves!), and give as Christ gave....maybe this "dot" of faith could grow & impact the world! 

I thank you Lord for loving me where I am.  
Lord, let me get out of the way!!  Let me give up my selfish ways.  Help me to be about your business by being about others first!  If I have only a "dot" of time/talent/resources...let me use them for Your glory....and allow You to grow them as you see fit!  My dot is enough if I give it all to you to use.  I can come to you with my humble offerings.

The Finished Work With Over 500 Students' Dots
What started with one small dot...
from one child turned into this amazing work!


  1. Amen, as we are created to create....inspiring others to see the same!

  2. The song, "Pass It On" was one of my favs in youth group too! Good luck with your search for a new church home. Thanks for this weekly encouragement. You are a spark!

  3. The song, "Pass It On" was one of my favs in youth group too! Good luck with your search for a new church home. Thanks for this weekly encouragement. You are a spark!

  4. Always enjoy these!!!
    Fantastic parallels!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing. .. Thank you for tying in our art classroom to our walk as believers. This I my 6th year teaching and I ended last year and coming into this year feeling a little worn out because I felt "stuck" in a mentality that if I was in full time ministry, I wasn't doing enough....then I turned to my classroom, totally appreciative of the opportunity God opened for me but not understanding how this brought Him glory if I cannot even freely say His Name in a public classroom. But I know there's more beneath the surface of a workplace and paycheck and colorful artwork going in and out of the classroom... your post reminds me, He is everywhere, in everything, intertwined and ready to inspire with every word of instruction that comes from me to the marks to children make... thanks again for this word ☆

  6. LOVE the song "It Only Takes a Spark"!!!!! What a great connection to The Dot!
