January 12, 2011


Ok, so Nashville(Middle TN) is not able to handle snow.  We just don't get enough of it to have the trucks, salt, and other such things.  So when we get a nice amount of snow(which is anything over a couple inches)...we're out of school.  We are now on day 3...and tomorrow isn't lookin' hopeful. 


  1. Oh, dear. Do you have to make up the days somehow (do you have a required # of days to be in session?). We have a state mandated # of school days and if we went over our allotted snow days we'd have to make up the days somehow, never a pleasant proposition. Our calendar usually has 3 snow days built in, and it's rare we use more than that. A little snow doesn't stop us, it's the big storm or worse, the ice that keeps the buses from running. More often we might have a 2-hour delay in the morning, giving the region time to clear up overnight snow or salt and sand icy roads, and keeping the school in session to count as an official day.

    Today is our first snow day this year (we haven't even had a delay this year), as it snowed all night and looks to be continuing well into the day. Frankly, we crave the snow here - the fact that we had an almost snowless Christmas break was tough on the kids, who usually would be sledding, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, etc, all which require decent ground cover. So send your snow our way! We've got the plows and the mainpower to get them moving.

  2. Didn't this happen last year?? Maybe Nashville should start investing in a snow plow and get some salt!

  3. I feel your pain, we are on our 3rd snow day off also! Today it is so cold! It was 1 degree at 8 am. It is only suppose to be a high of 5 today! Brrrrrrrrr
    Good luck going back tomorrow! My own kids even want to go back!

  4. Yay!!! We have our first snow day! I need it to finish up maternity plans. . . and it falls on my most intense day of the week. You know the one???
    My bro moved his home based business from CT to Nashville for the weather, music and lifestyle (not to mention no income tax!). Guess he's brought a little piece of home with him!

    Sorry you all are going to have makeup days ewww!

  5. I live in the Phoenix area so no snow days or delays for me. Enjoy yours!

  6. I am commenting after the other Phoenix teacher( I to, also live in AZ) Last year we so so much rain in one day, that they had an early release day form school because we had flooding, roofs were leaking in classrooms in brand new schools!! All my midwest friends were disgusted that we closed school for rain but I had to remind them that they were equipped for the snow we are just equipped for the heat! bahah

  7. Oh man what I wouldn't give for a snow day soon - the white stuff just keeps coming down here in Michigan, but those efficient snow plows keep clearing the paths to school! Enjoy your snow-cation!

  8. Boooo!! Still waiting for our first in blistery good ol' Buffalo!

  9. @Cmae, we also had flooding at our school, but it happened at the end of the day so no day off. Where in AZ do you teach?
