September 16, 2008

University of Idaho: Master of Arts in Teaching On-line

Many who find their way to my blog are art educators(those who aren' you...keep visiting!!!). So I'm hoping you find this blog of interest. Those of us that are in the Nashville Metro area have had a hard time finding a grad program that we could feel good about. I'm not sure how it is where you are from, but there is nothing in our area in Fine Arts or Art Ed. With the recent popularity of on-line programs & their credibility being validated....that became THE option for my friends(the Art Gang) & I. There were a number of programs we looked into. Some were elemenated quickly because of $$. It is amazing how expensive some programs are...and I'm unsure how any teacher could afford them without a sugar daddy/momma!! We had considered Ohio State University's Mostly-On-Line Masters in Art Education. I had taken a summer masters "SPRINT" class a few years back, and really enjoyed it. The program is solid! Ohio State is one of the top Art Education schools in the nation. Check it out for yourself!!! ---> HOWEVER....I wanted more hands on art & less art ed theory. This is just a personal preference & is not a reflection on OSU's program!!! The Art Gang began researching on-line programs, and came across a new program starting through the University of Idaho.... Master of Arts in Teaching On-Line(completely on line!!!). The program was slated to begin fall of '08. The degree would primarily be a Fine Arts Masters with some Education classes. This sounded interesting....VERY interesting. The three of us(Janet, Julie, and I) applied...and were accepted! HOW EXCITING...AND SCARY!!!! ha ha ha We are now a few weeks in and loving it! It is going to be a lot of work, but totally doable. This program might be what you are looking for too. CHECK IT OUT ---->

1 comment:

  1. ooh im in nashville.. i havent seen an art academy around, but then again ive only been here for 2 years!!

    i got my BFA in Canada.... wish there were more classes i could attend here!!
