August 24, 2017

Mr. E's Art Room: 2017-2018

I have been so slow about getting this posted! Please forgive me.  So here is a look into my classroom this year! I do a different color theme every year in my room...this year it is BRIGHTS!  It overwhelmed me at first because the past two years the colors have been much more subdued, but we all need a jolt to our system from time to time! ha ha  Feel free to leave a comment, email, or contact me on social media if you have any questions.

A few from the hallway!  I do have a nice large room..which I'm thankful for!  When the school was built in 1989...this space was designed as an art room(although it only has one small sink that is too high for young children to reach..that has always puzzled me!)

A few from the supply closet.

A view from my supply shelves.

Here is my reading area!  I read to my kindergarten students every time they come to art! I've had 20 yrs to collect all these books...grants...parent donations...and my family giving me sets of books for birthdays/Christmas.  It takes time, but a great classroom library is worth it.

The little table was made by my dad when he was in high school!  It is special to have something made by his hands in my space.  The chair...has seen better days! ha ha  I got it at a yard sale about 16 yrs ago for $5!! I'm actively looking for a funky new one!

My supply center!  These are more my everyday supplies that I allow students to pass out  & such.  Each color box represents a different supply.  The yarn boxes are so awesome!! Have had them for probably about 15 yrs or so. The top shelf has all my old teacher examples.  (I really need to clean them out and organize them better!!)

This is how I store student art work for the 9 weeks.  Each class has a box.  It keeps visual clutter down & keeps things organized!  I've had these boxes for about 6 years...maybe more?

Art Shirts!  I have people donate t-shirts for us to use in the art room.  They work out great.  We have a washer and drier at our school so I can keep up with them!!!

I painted the knight GREEN!!! I LOVE IT!!!  I've wanted to do that since I "adopted"
 him. The kids noticed right away the first week of school.

Word Walls...still in fashion?  I like mine.  I use the words on magnets and move them over to my example board when the words go with what we are studying.  Plus..the word wall acts as a word bank when we are writing about art that students can use.

This is my THINK ABOUT, TALK ABOUT, WRITE ABOUT board.  I have questions to get students thinking about their work & the work of others.  

I'm going to change a couple of the sections later on, but used the posters as a place holder for the time being.  I use to get all kinds of bent out of shape if that were to happen before...but since having kids..and my health issues...I've gotten more laid back! ha ha 

I did a post about this board a day or two ago....I LOVE IT! 

Every year I redo above my classroom door with foam to match my color theme I use in my room. .  It stays bright and colorful all year & sets my room apart from others.  

This is my " OUTSIDE THE ART ROOM" board. It is literally outside the art room.  This is where I put the pictures kids make me at home or at recess.  They are always so proud to see these pieces displayed. 

The last few days of school...I have my students make turtles in the color of my color theme for the next school year.  That way I have art hanging when kids get back...and it is super fun seeing them try to find theirs!! ha ha