July 11, 2017

Art With Mr.E Summer Workshop 2017: Weaving

The AMAZING people at NASCO ( https://www.enasco.com/artsandcrafts/ ) provided looms, fabric strips(how amazingly handy to have precut fabric strips!!), and long plastic needles. THANK YOU SO MUCH NASCO!!!  We loved getting to use them & trying out the different size pre-notched looms.  Several of the teachers did multiple weavings during our three days together. They did a mix of the fabric strips & yarn.  You could just do fabric.  I'm in the process of working on a rag rug that I'm doing in sections so its easier to work with(more on this in another post!!).

I do like the idea of having different size looms for students that might finish early.  I've had some SUPER weavers in the past...as well as students that want to come in extra to weave more.  Having the different sizes might be a nice to keep on hand!



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