June 12, 2011

Summer Experimenting - Owls

So I found this idea on a site from a hit on my site meter.  Unfortunately, I could not really find the original link it came from.  So if this was your idea...let me know & I'll give you credit!!  Summer is a fun time to try some new ideas out.  This may be the only one I get to with baby Eli's arrival fast approaching!

This is just one more thing you can do with toilet paper roll!!  You could use a whole TP roll, but it would be an extremely tall owl! ha ha  So you'll need to trim an inch or so off the bottom.  Press the sides in of the opening.  You can use hot glue, tape, or Zots(scrap booking dots).  I gave it one coat of acrylic paint.  It may need more than one depending on the color of paint you are using.  Since I used a creamy light blue, one was enough.  I used scrap book paper for the wings, belly, beak, and white of it's eyes.  Googly eyes would be super fun here too, but I did not have any at home.  I used a shot of glue and glitter for the center of the eyes.  I'm going to do it with at least one grade level in the fall.  Can you imagine 100 + of these cute critters clustered together!?!   


  1. These are sweet looking.... Keep up the experimenting... I will be tuning in... Good luck with that boy Eli.....

  2. They would be really cute with a bunch of them together....may be an older grade (or you) could make a tree for them to sit in, 3-D paper mache with wire base maybe. Now I want to build one for my playroom, but first the Chihuly project needs done!

  3. Hey Mr.E,
    Now I know why I've been saving those tubes! Thanks and best wishhes on the new baby boy!

  4. I'll repeat something I said a while back - don't let them manufacture core-less toilet paper to save trees! What would all us art teachers do without toilet paper rolls??!!!

  5. Phyl...in 14 yrs of teaching...I can count on one hand how many times I've used tp rolls...not sure why..just don't. However...this project I love...and am not calling on a church ladies group to save for me!!

  6. http://www.frugalfamilyfunblog.com/2011/01/top-10-posts-of-2010-1.html I did this for a station at my family art night - they are so so cute!

  7. The Monkey & Me....it wasn't your blog I found it on. The ones I saw were painted...and there was a ton of the clustered together. I love yours though!!! Thanks for sharing it!!!

  8. What a great idea!! Thanks for experimenting it and sharing.

  9. Hi Mr E.,
    Thanks for your thought and prayers for my job search. I did find a job this week at a childcare center. I am finding the art trend is moving to Early Childhood Education. Some centers and directors are realizing that art is important for reading and writing development. The center really wants and art program, so I am ready to jump in! 14 years at your job?! Thats amazing. I love your blog and projects. I am going to try a few out this summer with the school age children. I will let you know how it all goes. Thanks and congrats on the new addition!

  10. check out the book "Wow said the Owl". It is all about colors and would work great with this project. I think I am going to use it for just that! Thanks for sharing!! smartypantsjohnston.blogspot.com
