April 26, 2020

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Facing Trials

(For those of you who are new here...I do a faith based post on Sunday. 
The rest of the week is art, art ed, and occasionally a proud dad post! 

As artists, we are opening ourselves up to criticism, unwanted opinions, and attacks. That is part of putting your work out in the open for others to see.  Though constructive criticism is an important part of growing as artists...how do we handle the not-so-constructive criticism?  It goes beyond just developing a "thick skin".  Thick skin can still be damaged beyond repair. If we do not have a clear understanding of ourselves as artists, innovators, or visual story tellers we will face trials that will shake us to our core. Knowing who we are and being confident in our vision will allow us to anchor deep.  Though the waves will come against us...we will not be moved.  We will receive positive and negative reactions to our work throughout our lives, but we do not have to blown about.  Knowing who you are will allow you to anchor deep.

This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. 
 It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary.
Hebrews 6:19 

It is fair to say that we are all facing trials at this point in time. We have all been impacted by what is going on in our world & may be for the foreseeable future. The level at which we've been impacted is not the same.  Though this pandemic has equalized us in many ways, I can not claim to completely understand what others are experiencing.  I do know that those who have a personal relationship with God....have an anchor in this storm.  However, it is alright to wrestle with what is going on.  It is fine if you find yourself  struggling emotionally.  Just because we know God doesn't mean that we are spared from facing the same storms everyone else is experiencing. When we look at Hebrews 6:19 we see that we have a hope that is a strong and trustworthy anchor.  It doesn't say we have a problem free life.  It doesn't say that we are going to be free of trials.  If that were the case.....would we need an anchor?    Our anchor is in knowing the one who knows us...and loves us...and has a purpose & a plan for us! If we are anchored in this truth....we can face any storm, any trial, and any struggle. 

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