April 15, 2018

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: It Gets On Everything

I will be the first to admit that I am hesitant about using extremely messy materials in the art room.  I know that most art teachers embrace the mess, but I think about all the repercussions of such projects.    Though I love the look of chalk pastels....they get everywhere.  It starts off all fine and good, but a itch on the nose...a swipe of the hair...a nonchalant wipe of the hands on the pants.....and before you know it...your students & classroom are covered top to bottom in colorful chalk dust! IT GETS EVERYWHERE!  Maybe when you love what you are doing... you forget about everything else, what others think, or your own worries & inhibitions. 

Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14

1 John 4:19 says, "We love because he first loved us."  The love of the Lord is our inspiration, our motivation, and what challenges us to continue to do EVERYTHING in love.  When our lives have truly been impacted by God...it is only natural for that love to spill out in our relationships, our jobs, our actions, and our reactions.  Our lives become ministry.  Every place we go is our mission field. 1 Corinthians 16:14 says, "Do everything in love."  It does not say somethings. It says EVERYTHING. When we've been impacted by God's love it gets EVERYWHERE & on EVERYTHING. It should be seen in our relationships with friends.  It should be in our interactions with strangers.  It should be seen in our "secular" work.  I should be seen in our service to others. When we shop, when we go for a walk, when we are driving (I know that hurts for some of ya! ha ha)... people should look at us and see that there is something different/special.  If they can't...we must really take a look inward at our own hearts.  Why is God's love not transforming my life in all areas? What do I need to give over to him still? I want to be a head to toe mess for the Lord. I want his love to so impact me that others can see his love all over me! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this post so much! Thank you for sharing your thoughts because I never thought of this verse in that way. I will remember this when my artroom is covered in chalkdust and art mess!
