Even for those who seem to be naturally gifted in art...not everything comes so easily. We all have areas where we struggle. Some people have trouble drawing hands. Perspective stumps many artists. Others wrestle with shading. While some have difficulties grasping the proper use of color in their work. Whatever the issue, everyone has areas that they need to work on to improve. The only way to see growth is to press on & keep working. DON'T STOP! I'm not saying it will be easy, but the more that you practice the better you will become. Even an artist with few "issues" (not sure I know that person) will see improvement if they continue to create. I believe great artists fill many sketchbooks trying to work out their ideas & issues. These become the testimony of their success.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
God has called us to live a life that doesn't always seem to yield the results we expect. Sometimes our kindness is repaid with selfishness. We go the extra mile to give and realize that we are being taken advantage. We defend someone we believe is being mistreated only to find out they are trashing our name behind our back. Yes, there are times doing the right thing doesn't feel so right. However, the Lord has told us not to become weary.....DON'T STOP! We do not do good because we are going to get something in return....we do good because God has been good to us. It is an overflow of his grace & love in our life. That can not be dictated by how others respond to it. We press on, and do what God has put on our heart to do no matter how it is received. As we walk forward in our faith no matter the response, I believe we are strengthened & our testimony of the great things God does in & through us grows. Don't give up my friends, don't grow weary, and DON'T STOP!!!
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