March 20, 2016

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Stick Glue

Stick Glue

Stick glue is an interesting product.  The name alone sounds like you are trying to encourage it to do the job it was created to do. "Come on glue...STICK!  STICK GLUE, STICK!"  The fact of the matter is, stick glue is is one of the least sticking products created.  It is convenient.  It is easy to control.  It does not make a mess.  However, it does not stick well at all.

With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints..  Ephesians 6:18

We are called to pray.  Some people pray like breathing.  It is such a natural thing for them to talk to God, thank Him, praise Him, bring their needs & the needs of others to Him.  It is a beautiful thing to have such an open communication with our Lord.  It sticks!!  Then their are the rest of us.  Some of us have a "decent" prayer life.  We talk to God.  We bring Him our concerns.  We thank Him when things are going great.  But it is not an on going conversation like old friends who we can pass hours with talking about anything and everything.  It is sticking for the time being.  Then there are those that "passively" pray. They do it when it's convenient.  They tell people, "I'll be praying for you", but it slips their mind as soon as they turn around. They don't think of thanking God for the good things.  They don't thank Him for being there for them in all situations.  They may cry out to Him in the worst of times, or even blame Him for it.  It doesn't stick.

Prayer is an ongoing conversation with our God.  We talk to Him to know Him.  We talk to Him to share our lives with Him. It isn't always easy.  It sometimes feels a little messy.  We don't always feel in control.   But prayer needs to stick. It is essential for this Christian life to stay together.

Dear me to come to you in all things.  Help me to have those conversations in the good times & in the bad.  Help me to stick with you in all things...sharing my heart.
In Christ's Name, AMEN


  1. Thank you for heeding God's call to do this. I really have appreciated them.

  2. Just love my weekly art devotional. Love the way you include art media and terms I say or work with in my art studio in your prayers. It's like you are writing to my Holy Spirit. Thank you very much for your FB friendship. God is and will continue blessing you as you work for Him each day. Bless you and your sweet family. Continue posting those precious pics that bring sunshine in our hearts. I am sure the grandparents love them too!
    Live, love, and write often.

  3. The devotional book sounds AWESOME!
