March 20, 2021

Moriah Elizabeth Themed Birthday Party

My oldest daughter LOVES Moriah Elizabeth's YouTube videos & wanted a birthday party inspired by her.  If you do not know who that is a link to her YouTube channel.  She does makes over squeeshies a good bit & paints on a lot of stuff!! She is fun & "clean" (I'm not worried about my pre-teen watching her videos because of language or questionable content!).  I pulled together the supplies for sueeshie make overs & painting on canvas shoes!   My wife also made royal icing cookie canvases & paint palettes!  I think Margaret and her friends had a pretty good time!! 

I purchased most of my supplies at Dollar Tree & Dollar General.  I did get a couple things at Wal-Mart (larger fabric paint bottles & skewers).  There were only 4 girls at the we probably did this for under $50. 


  1. Wow, looks like a fun party! I love the art-themed cookies.

  2. I LOVE her too . I'M 8.

  3. I also love her I'm 8
