July 28, 2012

First Day Back!

We had our art in-service Friday at Cheekwood ( http://www.cheekwood.org/ ).  Marilyn Stewart was our guest speaker.  She is the author of the new textbooks we adopted from Davis Publishing.  The hat I'm wearing has to do with the fall Red Grooms push we're doing in our district.  I'll be linking that blog on here soon.  Janet, Julie (Art Matters), and I always help out at the inservice with registration...and always wear hats of some sorts(to be silly & bring a smile to the faces of fellow art teachers who may not be ready to go back).  

Janet...being Janet! :) ha ha  ( http://msmalonesartroom.blogspot.com )

Room full of elementary & middle school art teachers from our district!


  1. It's so amazing to see that photo of the full room of art educators. Nice to have a team! Our school : one elementary & one secondary. It makes the blog community so much more vital when it's all you've got!

  2. I thought the same thing as Phyl! I saw the photo and thought"they are ALL art teachers from the same district?!" It's me and the middle school art teacher in our district ,That's it! I see a couple others from our sending districts once in a blue moon! They are lucky to have so many colleagues to interact with!
