December 14, 2021


 So I have 2 odd days before the end of the semester.  I thought I'd try ROLL-A-SNOWPERSON for all my classes on these days.  It has been LOUD....but fun! ha ha 

I purchased a class set of foam dice at Dollar Tree (all in my favorite...GREEN!).  I placed the foam dice in tumbler cups I have(used them for individual supplies last year when we came back with restrictions). This prevents them from rolling all over the room, and seems to keep them from stabbing them with their pencils.  They roll the dice each time to select from the snowperson chart! 

These are some of my teacher examples! ha ha  I was having fun with them!

I made a large chart from butcher paper.  My overhead is not the brightest, and when the lights are on it makes it challenging to see what is being projected. It only took me 10 minutes to create the large chart. It is about 4 ft by 4 ft.

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