December 31, 2020

Happy New Year!

After an “interesting” 2020...I hope that your 2021 is amazing!


December 30, 2020

Faber Castell Gel Crayons Review

Check out my review of the Faber Castell Gel Crayons? 
They are unlike any crayons I’ve ever used! 


December 29, 2020

What are you working on?

I'm working on yo-yo's for another wall hanging. I have about 150 so far! 


December 26, 2020

Question for You

 Anyone used these before?? They seemed "dry" to me, but the color blended out well. My sweet 11 yrs old daughter got them for me for Christmas. 

December 20, 2020

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: Not Alone

Artists are often portrayed as loners, outsiders, or not fitting into mainstream society.  Though some artists may desire to be left to their own devices, it is more the exception than the rule.  I would say most creatives desire to feel connected and that they are not alone.  Artist communities, co-ops, and organizations provide opportunities for those involved in creative pursuits.  They give a since of belonging while facilitating feedback, resources, inspiration, and often offering outlets to share one's work.  Though some will forgo "formal" groups , they will still seek out connection so
 they are not alone.  


Are you feeling alone?  Have those you trusted abandoned you?  Do you feel like others won't understand or accept you are isolating yourself?  Whatever the reason might be for your feelings of being alone....YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  So many in this world...RIGHT NOW...are experiencing the same feelings.  They might be hurt, misunderstood, rejected, or in the midst of a struggle...just like you.  These are shared human experiences.  Around you right now are people who care about you, and desire to be there for you (even if you don't feel like there is in this moment).  If you are someone who has a personal relationship with the Lord...he is there for you in the midst of what you're going through.  In Isaiah, he tells his people "I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you, "Don't be afraid. I will help you.".  Doesn't this bring a sense of reassurance to you in the midst of your struggles?  Doesn't this bring comfort to your heart, mind, and soul?  Doesn't this remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE?  God loves you. He cares for you.  He is with you.  

December 15, 2020

Crayola Gel Pen: Product Review

I have wanted to try gel pens for awhile now. Check out my review of Crayola's Gel Pens. 
 I'd also love to hear tips, tricks, and how you use them in your art!  Leave a comment & let me know!!

December 14, 2020

Crayola Take Note! Supply Review

If you journal...these might be for you!! 
Check out my review of Crayola's TAKE NOTE! products.  

December 09, 2020

Crayola Webinar!!

Join me next week!!! I just discovered Crayola was doing these...and now I get to be a part of the fun!!!! (ps..They called me a teacher influencer...I never said that....that was their words...I'm just an art teacher walking the same road we all are!)

December 06, 2020

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Get The Word Out!

Each Sunday I do a devotional here on my blog connecting art and faith. The rest of the week it is all art/art education.  If my Sunday posts are not your thing...please feel free to skip over them and view the posts related to art/art education.  Thank you for visiting! 

Some artists have no problem promoting their work.  Others may struggle with shameless self promotion.  Either way, it is imperative that positive information and affirmation is shared in order to promote the art and artist.  One of the best ways to do this is "word of mouth".  When someone likes your art work & believes in what you are is hard to keep them quiet (Not that you want to do that! ha ha).  They will share pictures of your work, talk about your work, and encourage everyone they meet to purchase your art.  They want others to know what they know, experience what they've experienced, and to share in the connection that they have. Even if no one else seems to care, they will continue to share because of the impact it has made on them.  

 How often do "things" speak for us without a word spoken.  Our attitude, actions, investments, relationships, entertainment, and work ethic can share more about our heart than our words ever could. We share in various forms those things we most value.  If our lives have truly been changed by the Lord....shouldn't that be evident?    Shouldn't our words and our deeds reflect the impact of his love in our life?  Not that we would be "Bible Thumping" or trying to force people to believe what we believe, but a natural byproduct of knowing God is making him known.  We are excited about the love, security, and peace that comes with that personal relationship.  It's hard not to want to share that with others.  Just like talking about our family, job, or hobbies just comes naturally, so will the impact of God in our lives. 

What keeps you from telling others about your relationship with God?   What is preventing you 
from letting others know about what he has done in your life?  

December 04, 2020

My Favorite Collaborative Winter Bulletin Board

 During a "normal" year I always do a huge collaborative bulletin board with all my students. Each class/grade level takes on a "piece" of the picture. One class did the sky, one grade level did the buildings..etc. Then they all come together into a huge display that is at the front of the school as you enter our building .
This one popped up in my Facebook memories.
One of my favorites. I do not "do" holidays in my classroom because of a deep desire to be inclusive of all my students. I had done so many BRIGHT & COLORFUL boards in the past, I really wanted to show the students that "black & white" could be beautiful. This winter board will forever hold a special place in my heart!

December 03, 2020

Un-Snow People Behavior

 I thought these works were turning out so cute! Unfortunately we won’t be able to have our finish up day because we’ve gone virtual again.

November 30, 2020

#turkeyaday 2020

I decided to do "turkey portraits" for this year's #turkeyaday.  Here is a review of what I created.  If you missed out & want to do a no stress art challenge....check back in February for #heartaday2020! 

November 29, 2020

Sunday Devotional With Mr.E: Not A Day

There have been days in my artistic journey that haven't been my favorite.  The day I smashed my finger off in sculpture class.  The day my professor belittled me in front of the entire class because he didn't like the subject matter of my work.  The day my first first year of teaching was destroyed by a tornado. These are just a few of the many days that seemed incredibly dark.  How do you respond to such days...such times in your life?  Struggles will arise in every artist's journey.  Do you just wish those days away?  There is not a day I'd wish away.  Even in the darkest moments, I knew that I was on a journey worth taking.  As artists we can channel our struggles into our work.  As artists we can begin to pull ourselves from the pit through our artistic endeavors. We have a "built-in" way to process the pain.  However, I'd not purposely go stick my hand back in that machine again.  However, I learned so much from the accident.  That was an experience I walked through, and I became stronger for it.  Do you have days in your journey that you can point to as turning points/moments of great meaning?  

I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that would say 2020 has been the greatest year ever.  There have been trials and tribulations like most of us have never experienced in our life.  I hear so many wishing the days away.  They are hoping an end to 2020 will be an end to all the struggles that they've been facing.  The trouble with that mentality is that we do not know what tomorrow holds.  We don't even know if we will have tomorrow.  We must find what is praise worthy in today.  We must look for the good that God has placed in the now.  It is ok not to want to repeat the pain and sorrow we are experiencing, but we cannot turn our back on who God is, what he is doing, and how he might want to use today.  Not a day is worth giving up when we know the Lord.  For each day is one to know him more and make him known.   

November 23, 2020

Snow People: Kindergarten

We started the year virtually, and continued through the end of the first nine weeks. I'm not sure how many others school years have gone this way, but it definitely changed things.  I feel like I've been starting from scratch the six weeks we've been back. I've not seen the "finishing" that I'm use to from my students.  Just now am I seeing the work I'm use to at the start of the school year.  

My kindergarten students created snowpeople last week, and I was truly excited to see the progress they've made.  Kindergarten is my favorite grade level to teach.  They grow by leaps and bounds!! 

Check out their super fun pictures!!