I'm responsible for the main bulletin board in the hall way as you come into our building. I try to keep it simple, bright, and with something school related. This winter though, I decided to have my students help me out with it. I had all of my 4th grades, two of my 3rd grades, and one of my 1st grade classes make collage snow men/women. I was just going to use 4th grade, but they made them too small OR I underestimated how big the board was. They had a blast creating their snow people, and I loved seeing their creations. I laugh as I look through the gathering of snow people...seeing each one has their own distinct personality.
So I found my old fiber optic tree up in the attic and decided to bring it to school & have a little fun! My kids know how much I love turtles, and have gotten a kick out of my "Turtle Tree" for "Turtlemas" What is Turtlemas you ask? (The kids asked too!) Well, it can be celebrated all year long...and it is about taking the time to enjoy people & things that are in your life. It's not about wanting more...it is about enjoying what you have! So as I was putting my fun foam turtles hung with pipe cleaners on the tree...I was singing "O Turtle Tree...O Turtle Tree...how lovely are your turtles". The kids were laughing their heads off, but I have a feeling the music teachers are not going to be happy with me when the kids start sing my version for the Christmas program & not theirs! ha ha
My dear friend, fellow art teacher, and Art Gang member, Ms. O'Brien, sent this e-mail to me today. It made me laugh so hard...I had to share it with the rest of you.
"So, as I guide my babies through winter scenes, I can’t help but ponder that the snowman is the stick person of the winter time scene."
The collages are provided by two of my ELL Kindergarten students after reading Snowmen at Night.