December 16, 2022

Annual Faculty & Staff Snow People

Every year I provide an opportunity for the faculty/staff to create a snow person, snow globe, or snowball to put on display.  It is a wildly popular tradition that comes with a bit of lore.  The year I began this...we had a snowstorm, and were out of school for ten days.  The teachers believed the snow people brought the snow. So every year we continue on the traditions in hope that we get our max snow days! ha ha This year had AMAZING participation. We also had several teachers working together to make their snow people.  I loved the grade level that did Encanto!  SO. MUCH. FUN! 

For those wanting to do this project at your school in January...GO FOR IT!  I pre-make the snow people forms, and place them next to our faculty/staff mailboxes.  By doing helps remove some intimidation for those who don't consider themselves creative & lets me control the size of the display (for the most part!?!?).   


December 02, 2022

Collaborative Winter Bulletin Board 2022

I do a collaborative bulletin board for winter every year. Here is the link to the post where I shared a lot of  past boards >>

When I made that post we had not finished up this year's board.  I wanted to share it with you.  I love how cool & wintery it looks.  For those of you wondering how I do this...let me share.

The days before Thanksgiving break I have all my classes make parts to the board.  They are told from the start that they will be "gifting" this creation to the school to make it beautiful.  I've never had a problem where students negatively reacted to giving their work to the bulletin board.  They know it will be on display for three months, and they will get to see it every time they enter the school, go to lunch, related arts, or other times walking through the school.  I know I've had teachers in the past tell me they thought there students would not be able to part with their work.  I honestly believe if you tell them from the beginning the purpose of the project....they get it & will be totally on board! As the teacher, I cast the vision of what the finished work will look like, and the part the students work will play.  I keep the different parts to the board in baskets to stay organized (after they've dried...most pieces are painted or collage).  This is a great time to review some skills too!! (cutting, painting, gluing..etc)  Also feel free to have  some responsible older students help you with assembling the board when all the pieces are complete! 

November 28, 2022

The Kindness of a YouTuber!

You never know the difference you can make as an art educator.  Joy shares her story here. 
Mr. Buddies Booty(Joy)...THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! 

November 18, 2022

Need Some Winter Bulletin Board Inspiration?

It is that time of year when we start thinking of ideas for new winter themed bulletin board ideas. Here are many of my past boards (I'm currently working on this year's with my students!).  This is a great time to do a school wide collaborative project!  Every year I have my students create a different component for a large collaborative mural.  If I have any left over parts...I usually hang up smaller displays in other parts of the school.  The students are always so excited to try to find the part they created!  The project range from watercolor, collage, marker, colored pencil, crayon...and everything in between!!  You can make this work based on the supplies and space you have available to you at your school!

November 10, 2022

#turkeyaday22: The First 10 Days

Hello Friends!  I'm so sorry I've not been posting much.  We've have been dealing with a lot of yuck in my house (all of us were sick in some form or fashion)....and I've just been surviving.  I'm having so much fun with this year's turkeys.  For the most part, I've been using a variety of alcohol markers. I really love them!!! Twisting turkeys and other animals has also been a fun creative challenge.  Hope you enjoy them.

November 07, 2022


This past weekend we had our annual state conference in Memphis,TN.  It was a blast.  I presented on collaborative art projects with multiple grade levels.  As often happens with me....technical difficulties. They did not have the adaptor cord I needed for my computer.  I had one...but had left at home.  Never assume a location you are presenting at will have the equipment you need. (Lesson learned...again!).  
I decided I'd post my power point here.  Not that it contains a ton of information.  It has questions to ask of yourself & your students when thinking about doing collaborative projects.  It also has lots of examples of collaborative projects I've done in the past.  If you have questions...please feel free to message me and ask! It isn't as scary, messy, or time consuming as it might seem.  


October 31, 2022

#pumpkinaday22: Day 31

 I hope you enjoyed this year's pumpkins.  It was a bit different from the past, but change is a good thing. I like to continually challenge myself.  Join me next month for #turkeyaday22!!! It's a little twisted! ha ha  You'll see!


Have you all been following this?  Since my other post about Van Gogh's Sunflowers being vandalized, it has happened several more times.  Monet's Haystacks, Vermeer's Girl With a Pearl Earing, and one of Toulouse-Lautrec's works.  

From what I've read, all of the works are fine (Thank goodness for protective glass!). 

Maybe the criminals were targeting work they new was protected...maybe not?!?  I just feel there is a better way to promote the cause of saving our planet than these ridiculous stunts. 

October 26, 2022

#turkeyaday22: Day 25 & Day 26

On Day 25, I was feeling Smurfy. 

This is my favorite pumpkin!  
Some of it might be that yellow green is probably my favorite color. ha ha


October 24, 2022

October 21, 2022

#turkeyaday22: Day 21 & Day 22

I was trying to do the upper one inspired by chocolate covered cherries.  Though it doesn't really resemble that a whole lot...I do like how he turned out.  The other one I just enjoyed playing with greens! (my fav color!)


October 20, 2022

#pumpkinaday: Day 20

My sister messaged me and said she wanted my hippy pumpkin, but I didn't really think it was a hippy?!?  So I went all in on this one! ha ha I'll be mailing it to her soon! 



Hey all my TN peeps (and those who might want to attend our state conference) is the last day for early bird registration!!  There is a discount if you sign up early...but after today it goes to full price.  I hope you can come to this years conference in Memphis!  I'm so excited to see everyone again.  Lots of great speakers...classes...and a great time for all! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!  Let them know Mr. E sent ya!


October 19, 2022

#pumpkinaday: Day 19

Last year I had made a watermelon turkey during #turkeyaday, and I loved that turkey!! I decided to make a watermelon pumpkin! 


October 18, 2022

#pumpkinaday22: Day 18

I love doing underwater pictures with my students.  I had to make a pumpkin to reflect the many lessons I've taught! 


October 16, 2022

#pumpkinaday22: Day 16

I really like this pumpkin.  I think it is the blue eyes contrasting with the yellow.  Paint markers do have limitations, but I feel I'm getting better at using them.


October 15, 2022

Sunday Devotional With Mr. E: MAKE TIME

As artists, we are often known for what we do/create/make. It is not just what we do, but it also is a major component of who we are.  If we are not making, if we are not creating, if we are not sketching, planning, or researching...then we are neglecting a major part of ourselves.  I will be the first to admit, as an art educator...I often neglect this aspect of my life.  I justify it because I teach art all day long.  The only thing about that...there is a difference.  Challenging, nurturing, organizing, and instructing is not the same as taking time out of my day to create my own art.  Art is like a language for the artist.  We process, interpret, and share our dreams, ideas, views of the world (both physically & socially), and beliefs as we create.  If we do not take time/make time for own personal art making, we deny ourselves of living the life we were created to live.   We must take time/make time to be who we are!

After he dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone..  Matthew 14:23

As believers, we must take time/make time to be with God.  Some people believe they can just go to church on Sunday & that is enough.  God has called us into a personal relationship, and relationships take time & effort to cultivate.  An hour or so a week will not allow us the time to truly know our God & grow in our faith as he intended us to do.  We must take time/make time in our too busy lives to spend with God.  Many believers have "quiet times" in the morning before their day gets busy.  That quiet time might consist of a bible study/devotional & time in prayer.  However, if this is sounding too formal/formulaic for are in luck!  God made us all different...and what works for someone else may not be what is best for you.  The point of it all is to spend time with God.  Maybe you are a night owl.  AWESOME!  Spend time with God before you go to bed!  Maybe your only alone time is driving to & from work(all you parents out there!!!).  There are audio devotionals, books, and bibles that you can listen to as you drive.  You could also turn the radio off, and spend your drive time talking to God or quietly listening for his response!  Maybe your free time is during your lunch break.  You can have a devotional book that has one or two pages of bible based inspiration to read & think about as you eat!   In this day of technology...there are also apps for that! ha ha  You can find many apps that will help you as you purposely take time/make time to grow in God!  If Jesus took time by himself to pray...don't you think you should be doing the same? I know I need that in my life!! 

Here is a quote from my favorite author...

If a man wants to be used of God, 

he cannot spend all his time with people. - A.W. Tozer 

#pumpkinaday22: Day 15

I find gold paint hard to work with?!? 
Or maybe it is working other colors into gold?  
Anyone else..or is it just me? 


October 14, 2022

#pumpkinaday22: Day 14

Ok...this guy took a kind of creepy turn?!?!  Or is it just me???
I think he looks like Shrek meets, Larry the Cucumber, meets a muppet?!?! 


October 13, 2022

#pumpkinaday22: Day 13

I was going for pink camo, but it kind of looks like clouds to me?!?


October 12, 2022