I've been sharing my yo-yo making( never ending )with my Facebook friends...but many of them don't know what a yo-yo is ...other than a toy that goes up and down.
You start with a circle of fabric. The size depends on how big you want your end product. I used a CD to trace my circles. Personally I feel the tracing & cutting out of the circles was the most time consuming part of the process. Oh...did I mention that I had never done this before....my wife decided it would be "fun" to have a hand made yo-yo garland for our Christmas tree this year. She was busy making applique Thanksgiving, dance, Christmas shirts for our children & some friends...so the yo-yoin' was left up to me.
You then go around the edge of your yo-yo...making a drawstring of sorts. After you go all the way around the circle...pull & knot.
I probably don't do it complete right....but I do tack down the center through the back with a couple stitches. Some fabric artist is probably rolling over in their grave...or screaming in their craft room as we speak. Oh well...I taught myself..and it worked for me.
Then I stitched/linked them together.
This was only half way through...I'm still not done, but I have most of it up on the tree. At last count...it was 28 feet +. OH MY GOSH! AM I DONE YO-YOIN' YET?!?!?!!?