I am not a weaver. I had never done any weaving before I started teaching (personality conflict with the weaving prof...she didn't have I did not take it!). I remember seeing circle weaving in our curriculum and thinking...."HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO TEACH THAT?!?!?!" You do learn so much by doing....and having a close group of art teacher friends doesn't hurt!! ha ha Hopefully after this will feel better about the circle weaving process. If you don't...comment or e-mail...and I'll try to help you out the best I can. I was going to try to do a video...but I could
tape my Flip recorder to my forehead very well! ha ha
Start with your circle loom. I use "craft rounds" that I order through School Specialty(100 for under $15). You can use paper plates as well....but I would recommend the good thick ones...not the cheapo ones(they will give you major headaches)!!! On the back label your loom 1-11 clockwise. You can do 13...but 11 seems to work really well for my students. Have them make a small cut at each number. The numbers MUST...I repeat...MUST! be evenly spaced!!!!!!!! If not..the circle weaving will end up off center. I created cheat plates with notches cut out so the students can lay it on top of their looms and make the marks. on theirs. It has made life a lot easier!!!

Warping the loom can be confusing. I have a formula I write on the I show them 3x...once before I let them start, once after I let them start, and then for the struggling ones a little bit later. You start with about an inch or two on the back at the 1 spot (I have them tape it down to make sure it doesn't come out on them)
Here is the formula:
1 to 6 (across the loom)
6 to 7(hello neighbor)
7 to 2(across the loom)
2 to 3(hello neighbor)
3 to 8(across the loom)
8 to 9(hello neighbor)
9 to 4(across the loom)
4 to 5(hello neighbor)
5 to 10(across the loom)
10 to 11(hello neighbor)
11 to the middle of the plate(more on that later)
1 to 6 (across the plate)
6 to 7 (hello neighbor)
7 to 2 (across the plate...X marks the spot)
Continue following the formula.
11 to the middle....
Take the warp & go under all the crisscrossing strings. Then go around them..and under them again..coming out where you just came from. Some may tie this into a knot at this point...but I found just going loop-d-loop around the center crisscrossing strings is enough. You try & see what works best for you.
Tie the weft string onto the end of the warp string.
Start going around the circle(I go counter clock wise..not sure why?). OVER UNDER OVER UNDER...
OVER UNDER OVER UNDER.... I tell my student to go over under about 5 or 6 times before they pull the string through all the way. If they go much farther than can be a real pain(for you and them)!
At the end of each string...I tell them to tie the new one on to the old one. We trip the "bunny ears" off at the end. I have them use 4 colors...encouraging them to go with 3 from a color family..and one contrasting color. You can do it however you wish. Tying knots & double(triple..or more) jumping is the biggest problem once they get started. They just have to make sure to go over or under each of the warp strings...they can not go over over..or under under.
To finish them off...I have my student create a pattern in pencil on the rest of the plate...then they use the same color of markers (as their yarn) to color their pattern.
THERE YA GO! I hope that helps...and if not...please leave a comment or e-mail me!!!